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Asia Minor Summer Intensive | May 23–June 10

Europe Muslim Team Global Muslim Ministry Team Mission Trips
Image by Torpong Tankamhaeng: Pixabay

Engage with local believers in modern day Asia Minor and learn more about the joys and challenges of following Christ in a Muslim majority context. Spend time together over meals, join them in worship, and journey with them through the land that is a mix of Eastern and Western, old world and new world.   

Home to three faiths tracing their roots to Abraham, you will experience life in a context different from your own, providing new perspectives and a better understanding of God’s worldwide kingdom. Through this trip, you can expect to grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally; develop your ministry skills; and learn to partner with brothers and sisters from other cultures for service in the kingdom.

This summer intensive program, in partnership with RUF, will help you mature as a disciple of the Messiah, grow as a worshiper, and be strengthened as a servant. Participants should be willing to learn to navigate a large, diverse, mostly non-English-speaking city, honor cultural norms in line with the local church's expectations, and set aside political opinions/perspectives in your encounters with others. Most of all, participants should be flexible, humble, teachable, and excited!

Application Deadline:
March 1

May 23–June 10

Project Cost:
$1524, plus airfare


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