Bumpy Ride to the Future

As memories of communism disappear in the rear-view mirror, the people of the “New Bulgaria” are lurching forward into the future. But the road is not without potholes. Fast-food joints and flashy bars are springing up as the culture increasingly becomes materialistic and sexualized. In fact, Bulgaria is one of the primary “feeder” countries of the prostituted for Europe and America. Joining the European Union brought renewed economic hope, but many are sinking into debt with the introduction of easy credit. Quality medical care is not available to the poorest.

Destination: Christ

How is it possible to live out the gospel in a country with so many needs? Our team there (located in both Sofia and Plovdiv) uses a multifaceted approach. Churches host medical care outreaches to the poor as well as seminars on financial management and other timely topics. In Studentski Grad, a university community of 10,000 with no church, ESL outreaches draw interested students. The team helped create the “Daughters of Bulgaria” to rescue those enslaved by human trafficking and prostitution. And undergirding all these efforts is the powerful demonstration of the love of Christ—Bulgaria’s real hope for the future.


Cary, Elisabeth

Elisabeth serves with the Sofia, Bulgaria, church-planting team, assisting in English language ministry.

Elisabeth serves with the Sofia, Bulgaria, church-planting team, assisting in English language ministry.

Culmer, Dave

Dave serves as Sofia's team leader, shepherding the team, working to cultivate healthy partnerships with Bulgarian national partners, and engaging in evangelism and discipleship efforts.

Dave serves as Sofia's team leader, shepherding the team, working to cultivate healthy partnerships with Bulgarian...

Goeglein, Lydia

Lydia serves with the MTW church-planting team that partners with the UECCB (Bulgarian Evangelical Union of Churches) in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Lydia serves with the MTW church-planting team that partners with the UECCB (Bulgarian Evangelical Union of Churches)...

Heath, Jacob

As an intern in Sofia, Bulgaria, Jacob will serve alongside the team, helping in their student outreach and English-based evangelism programs.

As an intern in Sofia, Bulgaria, Jacob will serve alongside the team, helping in their student outreach and...

Hoot, Trevin & Ruthie

Trevin and Ruthie serve in Bulgaria working alongside Bulgarian leadership to strengthen an existing church plant there.

Trevin and Ruthie serve in Bulgaria working alongside Bulgarian leadership to strengthen an existing church plant there.

Hundt, Alexander

Alexander will serve as summer intern in Bulgaria, helping the missionary team in Sofia in any way he can.

Alexander will serve as summer intern in Bulgaria, helping the missionary team in Sofia in any way he can.

Lielbriedis, Aaron

Aaron will be serving on an MTW internship this summer in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he will be partnering with local missionaries, learning from them, learning the language, and engaging the community there in order to be a light for the gospel.

Aaron will be serving on an MTW internship this summer in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he will be partnering with local...

Support needs are met. Praise God!

Dix, Taylor & Katherine

Katherine and Taylor met while serving on the field with the MTW church-planting team in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Katherine and Taylor met while serving on the field with the MTW church-planting team in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Sale, Zachary & Joy

Zach and Joy serve with the MTW Bulgaria team in Sofia helping to strengthen the local church.

Zach and Joy serve with the MTW Bulgaria team in Sofia helping to strengthen the local church.

Teuton, Scott & Shaunna

The Teuton family is excited to serve in Sofia, Bulgaria, for two months.

The Teuton family is excited to serve in Sofia, Bulgaria, for two months.

Webb, Jacob & Suzanne

Suzanne and Jacob will be serving the church in Sofia, Bulgaria in nursing, prayer, hospitality, evangelism, preaching, and teaching.

Suzanne and Jacob will be serving the church in Sofia, Bulgaria in nursing, prayer, hospitality, evangelism,...

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The Well: Reach out broadly, dive deeply
Summer Internships
Teacher: Sofia Christian Academy
English Outreach
Mentored Internships
1–11 Months

A Wedding, A Reunion, and a Reminder of Impact in Bulgaria

As I glanced around I treasured what I saw: a bunch of American missionaries, volunteers, and children who've served with us in Bulgaria.


Blessings Born Out of Relationships in Bulgaria

A Bulgarian friend, who doesn’t believe in any religion and didn't know how to pray, asked a missionary to pray with her for her family.


They Think We’re Crazy: Empowering and Loving Sexually-Exploited Women in Bulgaria

She was rough around the edges, a bit older than most. They saw her on the street every time they went out. So they befriended her.


Daughters of Bulgaria: Confronting the Sale of Bulgaria's Women and Children (Audio)

We don’t think of a country’s top export as being its daughters. Yet for Europe’s poorest and most exploited country, this is life.


Seeing Them as Daughters

Do we see women who are caught in human trafficking the way Jesus does?


One Day in Bulgaria with Lydia Goeglein: A Video

Follow along as Lydia Goeglein walks us through the streets of Sofia and gives us a glimpse into a day in her life as a missionary.


One Day in Bulgaria with Dave Culmer: A Video

Spend a day with missionary Dave Culmer in Bulgaria, as he takes us around the city of Sofia where he is a jack of all trades on the team.


Sports as Missions in Bulgaria: A Video

Sports is a great way to build relationships. Interns spent part of their time playing baseball and lacrosse, opening doors to the gospel.


“I’m sorry that I can’t believe in God”

Her son had become a Christian, but she just couldn't get there.


Vlado: A Life Transformed in Bulgaria - Video

Vlado, a former "Orthodox atheist" with a drug addition, is now a follower of Christ who is helping to plant churches.


MTW VIsion and Values: Making Disciples Among All Nations

Catch a glimpse of MTW's work globally as we interview missionaries and learn about their current ministry and vision for the future.


Goliath Must Fall: Two Gospel Stories

In a hard-to-reach, largely atheistic European city, these stories declare the gospel to be "the power of God unto salvation."


"I'm Forsaking Christianity"

At a New Year's Eve party in Bulgaria, an missionary met a guest who'd recently stopped going to church. He wanted to know why.


Give thanks for the many lives impacted by and among missionaries in Sofia, Bulgaria. Pray for the ministry to continue to multiply.

Pray for Bulgarians who are building friendships with missionaries to become interested in the gospel and drawn to Christ.

Pray for the Daughters of Bulgaria ministry and for women trapped in a life of sexual exploitation to discover the hope of Christ.

Pray for the women and children of Bulgaria caught in the dark world of trafficking and exploitation, and for the Daughters of Bulgaria minstry shining the light of Christ.

Pray for the MTW team in Bulgaria and for those they serve.

Pray for those in Sofia, Bulgaria, who will be exposed to the gospel through our sports ministry. Pray that many would be drawn to Christ as a result of relationships built with believers.

Pray for those coming to faith in Bulgaria. And for those who can't yet believe due to a background deeply rooted in communism and atheism.

Pray for Bulgaria, whose population is considered to be 95% "Orthodox atheist" (Orthodox in name only). Praise God for Bulgarians who are coming to faith and helping to plant churches!

Pray for women forced by poverty into sex work. Pray for MTW ministries around the globe seeking to rescue and minister to these women.

Pray for Europeans who have heard the gospel but are hesitant to fully commit to Christ. Pray that God would draw them to Himself.

Pray for two women, Monika and Andrea, who have recently come to faith against the odds in a hard-to-reach, largely atheistic European city.

Pray for Monika, that God would continue to heal her, give her a new purpose, and protect her life from physical harm, and for Andrea, that she would grow deep roots of faith and be a witness to those like her—unlikely subjects—of the reality of the grace of God.

Pray for college students in Sofia and Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to grasp God's deep love for them and surrender their lives to Him.

Pray for God to call more men and women to missions in Sofia, Bulgaria, both full-time and as a volunteer.

Sofia Christian Academy Expansion

Funds needed for renting an additional space, purchasing curriculum, and hiring a national teacher/administrator.

Daughters of Bulgaria

Extending the love of Christ to the exploited and trafficked in Bulgaria.

Elias Riggs Center for Biblical Studies

In Bulgaria, biblically trained leaders are the foundation of a church-planting movement.

Bulgaria Translation & Publication

Equipping Bulgarian believers with biblical literature.