Building Connections Close to You

Our West Coast hub and Central hubs have merged and are now the Western hub.

MTW'S Western hub is a connection point for regional events, training, and help if you're interested in serving one year or longer. If you are a new church starting a missions ministry or your church has an established global outreach, we can help you through planning, mobilizing, and connecting you with global PCA church-planting works.

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Western hub


Robin Lee


Robin grew up in Southern California attending an immigrant Korean church, and came to faith as a teen. During his college years at UC Berkeley, he dove deep into the church and missions, even contemplating a life of tent-making missions in the Middle East which led him to take his first job out of college at ARCO Oil Company. During his years in the business world, Robin sensed an increasing burden for theological training, which led him to pursue his studies at Westminster Theological Seminary. He served as an associate pastor at King's Church for 11 years, and as executive director of MTW’s Southeast Asia Partnership, working alongside church pastors and MTW missionaries to help mobilize people and resources for the field. Before joining MTW in 2024, Robin served as executive pastor at New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido for seven years. Now as MTW West Coast Hub director, Robin hopes to focus his passion for global missions in mobilizing God’s people for the Great Commission.

Robin has been married to his wife Irene, whom he met on a short-term mission trip, for 24 years. Together, they have a daughter and three sons. 

Contact: [email protected] 

Jerry Gibson


A native of Texas, Jerry graduated from Dallas Baptist University with a degree in theology and biblical studies. He has been involved in cross-cultural ministry for most of his life, going back to his earliest and most formative years serving with Native Peoples in South Dakota. Jerry has also formally served in cross-cultural missions since 2001, including ministry in three low-income urban areas of Dallas. He has traveled to more nations than he can remember to serve alongside missionaries and indigenous believers.

Most recently, Jerry served as the senior director of missions and church planting at Park Cities Presbyterian in Dallas, where he helped develop the process for preparing new missionaries called “Thrive.” Much more important than credentials, Jerry hopes his years of experience (sometimes learning things the hard way) will benefit him in this new position with MTW. Jerry has been married to Kerry for 20 years. They have two daughters.

Contact: [email protected]

Anthony English

Assistant Director

Anthony English is the assistant director of Mission to the World’s Western Hub and national diversity mobilizer. He is currently enrolled at Birmingham Theological Seminary where he's pursuing a Master of Arts in public theology. He has a heart for evangelism and apologetics as well as helping Christians of color find their place in what God is doing among the nations. Anthony and his wife live in Northern California with their three boys and are members at New City Fellowship of Sacramento where he's under care of the Northern California Presbytery.

Contact: [email protected]

Robbie Mills

Associate Director

Robbie is a North Carolina native and his wife, Kelly, hails from Texas. After meeting in college, they lived in Washington, D.C., St. Louis, and Boston before settling in the Dallas area. From 2016 to 2022, they had the great privilege to plant a church called New City Fellowship which served refugees and immigrants in Northeast Dallas. Robbie is an ordained teaching elder in the PCA who loves history, travel, and cross-cultural learning. In addition to serving the MTW Western Hub, he also works for Thirdmill focused on diaspora populations in Texas. The Mills have two lovely daughters.

Contact: [email protected]

Becky Bronson

Candidate Specialist

Becky's love for other cultures began early, growing up in South Texas surrounded by Mexican culture and heritage. Her first missions trip in high school took her to interior Mexico, and she began to grow a love for Spanish and language learning that later took her to study in Spain in college. As a recent college graduate, she moved to East Asia to travel and teach English, and was floored by the millions who had never heard of Jesus, God, or grace! As newlyweds, Becky and her husband Andrew served in Thailand with MTW from 2006–2008 and 2012–2017 and helped plant two churches in Bangkok, Grace City Bangkok and New City Fellowship. She loves to encourage the pursuit of missions in both churches and with its people to consider how their gifts might be used to bring the nations to Himself.


There's no events scheduled for this hub right now. Check back soon!


At MTW, we believe that sending more diverse missionaries better reflects the image of God and helps build more effective ministry as people of color bring their voices and gospel stories to those waiting to hear. If you would like more info about how the MTW Diversifi initiative and RADD (Reformed And Diverse Delegates) can help you in your mission, please contact one of our diversity mobilizers.

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To speak with one of our Western representatives
Email: [email protected]

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Email: [email protected]

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