Warren, Andy & Bev

Serving in Ethiopia | Acct # 18105


Andy and Bev Warren began their missionary service with Mission to the World in 1982 and have ministered in Kenya, Hungary, and Ethiopia. Since 1996 Andy and Bev have served in Ethiopia where Andy leads MTW’s church planting and mercy ministry team. The team works with the poorest residents of Addis Ababa, caring for their medical needs, making sure their children are fed and sent to school, planting churches, and discipling believers in the community. Bev’s ministry has focused on helping families become self-supporting through business skills training, savings programs, and small grants.


The team’s vision is to reduce the impact of poverty and disease on the most vulnerable people of Addis Ababa, to plant gospel-centered churches, and to see communities transformed.

The values that shape their work are: (1) Generosity—they respond generously because of God’s generosity to them; (2) Impact—everything done should make a measureable impact; (3) Flexibility—evaluating and revising strategies and activities as needs and circumstances change; (4) Commitment—devoting themselves to the communities and people God has called them to serve for the long haul; and (5) Respect—treating the people they serve with love and respect.


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