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Daniel & Katy B.
Serving in Belgium | Acct # 10852
Daniel and Katy both grew up in the PCA, met through Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Mississippi State University, and married in 2004. Their first term with MTW was on a church-planting team in Madrid, Spain, and since 2016 they have been in Brussels, Belgium, to develop new church-planting works for MTW in collaboration with local partners.
Daniel and Katy love the diverse people of Brussels and desire to see gospel-based churches multiplying in the capital city and throughout Belgium. They are currently working to plant a Presbyterian church that ministers to Belgians as well as the large international community in Brussels.
Daniel also serves MTW Europe as a regional director for Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. Daniel and Katy's desire is to see faithful, Christ-exalting churches planted throughout Western Europe and for MTW's missionaries in this region to be encouraged and equipped in their ministries.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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