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Letchworth, Bill & Mae Lee
Serving in Canada | Acct # 14252
Bill and Mae Lee serve in a remote island community in Northern Ontario, accessible only by train, boat, or winter ice road. This community, steeped in history as the second Hudson Bay trading post, is currently home to the Moose Cree First Nation along with other First Nations people. As with other Indigenous peoples, they have experienced generational deceit, prejudice, and abuse from the government, residential schools, and even those who came in the name of Christianity. The result has been deep wounds and distrust, frequently leading to widespread substance abuse, familial dysfunction, and despair.
The Letchworths work alongside a Native evangelical church, seeking to share Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of security, love and hope to a people longing to satisfy those needs. They endeavor to be the hands and feet of Christ to the community. Ministry to all ages involves hospitality, teaching, preaching, counseling, visitation, participation in traditional pursuits and simply sharing life among them. Bill’s years in pastoral ministry, love for the outdoors, and fix-it abilities as well as Mae Lee’s enjoyment of hospitality seem to have especially equipped them for ministry among these highly relational people.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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