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Buerger, John & Ellen
Serving in Portugal | Acct # 10958
John and Ellen Buerger met while attending college in Omaha, Nebraska, and married in 2001. After John finished seminary in 2007, they adopted their eldest daughter, Aubrie, in 2008. In 2012 John began serving on the pastoral staff of New St. Peter's Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas (2012–2019). During this season of ministry God laid it on the Buergers' hearts to adopt another little girl from Bulgaria. Thus began a series of events leading to the adoption of their second daughter, Emily, and a call to serve with MTW in Bulgaria for three years in the areas of theological higher education and church renewal.
The Buergers are excited that God has recently opened up doors of opportunity and a call to plant a new international church in Lisbon, Portugal. They moved to the area in January 2023, and God has graciously gathered a core group of about 30 internationals since then to start Bethany International Church of Greater Lisbon. They are also hoping that their first MTW team members will join them soon, Lord willing. The Buergers are "in" way over their heads and would appreciate prayers that the Lord's grace would be made known in both their ministry and weakness!

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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