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Cary, Elisabeth
Serving in Bulgaria | Acct # 11185
Elisabeth grew up in a Christian family and always loved hearing missionary stories, although she did not sense God’s calling to serve in that way until adulthood. After completing her bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in secondary education at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, Elisabeth worked in a rural public high school in North Carolina for three years as an English teacher. During that time she sensed God’s calling her to serve overseas.
Elisabeth has served with the MTW team in Sofia, Bulgaria, since the end of 2014. The team partners with the UECCB (Bulgarian Evangelical Union of Churches) to support the work of current churches and church planting efforts. Elisabeth’s primary role is leading the English language ministry—a ministry of the church that offers free English classes to those seeking to improve their English. Through the friendships formed through this ministry, she is able to share with her friends. Elisabeth is also involved in discipleship relationships with young women, mentoring interns, and participating in a variety of other ministries of the church.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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