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Coluccia, Vincenzo & Judit
Serving in Italy | Acct # P-0308
The lives of Vincenzo and Judit started to merge in the Reformed church in Milan. Vincenzo was raised in a Roman Catholic family in southern Italy. When he moved to Turin to become an engineer, he came to faith in Christ and discovered the Reformed doctrines, maturing his call to the ministry. Judit grew up in Budapest, Hungary, in a Reformed family and served in children's ministry. While studying to become a Latin and Greek teacher, she developed a passion for missions in Italy. In 2019 Vincenzo completed his M.Div. at Westminster Seminary California, and married his better half, Judit. Then he started working as a pastoral intern in the New Life PCA Church in Escondido, California, and began the process of being ordained as a PCA teaching elder.
The Coluccias have answered a call to Lecce, Italy, to plant the first Presbyterian Church in the South. Vincenzo used to design "dead structures" for the cities; now, he is honored to equip the "living stones" and building up the body of Christ.
Their goal is to develop an indigenous Reformed denomination that can foster the planting of more confessional churches, and long term to establish an Italian Reformed theological school to equip ministers of the gospel.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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