Dix, Taylor & Katherine

Serving in Bulgaria | Acct # 14458


Katherine and Taylor met while serving on the field with MTW in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 2017. Taylor first felt called to world missions while serving with a ministry called Service Over Self in his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. After a two year internship in Bulgaria, he became a full-time employee with MTW after spending three years getting his M.Div. from Covenant Theological Seminary. The Dixes have now returned to Bulgaria to assist in church planting efforts.


Katherine, from Birmingham, Alabama, joined the Sofia team in 2012 and has been serving in church revitalization as well as working with the Spring of Hope foundation, a ministry to Bulgarians caught in exploitation and trafficking. The vision of Spring of Hope is to see the Church ignited, resourced, and mobilized in the fight against human trafficking. With her Master of Arts in counseling from Covenant Seminary, Katherine also works with clients internationally with those affected by trauma, addiction, and exploitation.

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