Hurrie, Shaun & Becky

Serving in South Africa | Acct # 13443


Shaun, a South African, and Becky, a North Carolinian, have been married since 2002. A mission trip to Zambia in 2004 ignited God’s calling on them for long-term mission work. Several visits to South Africa confirmed the need they saw for the African Church to have well trained servant-leaders. Building on their desire to serve in southern Africa, Shaun sought out further education. He received his M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary-Charlotte in 2016. They both served actively in two PCA churches in North Carolina for 18 years before heading to the field.


As part of a larger goal of seeing churches planted within the Presbyterian and Reformed Church of South Africa, Shaun will help facilitate Presbyterian learning groups to aid the training of prospective church planters, be involved in theological and Christian leadership education, and serve on a committee(s) for the development of the denomination. Shaun and Becky, along with their children, will continue to serve in the local church, using their gifts of teaching and mentoring in the life of men, women, and children in its various ministries. Please pray for God’s grace in the gospel to grow and preserve His kingdom in South Africa.

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