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Iwata, Yuji & Eri
Serving in Japan | Acct # 92902
Yuji and Eri Iwata are serving with the MTW Chiba AO Team. Yuji serves in church planting with the Alive International Congregation, and Eri serves primarily as a teacher in the MTW team’s international school.
When Eri was single, she served for several years as a staff member at an MTW church plant, Oyumino Christ Church. After Yuji and Eri married, Yuji served as a pastor for seven years in Nagoya, Japan, in another evangelical denomination. The Iwatas moved to Canada where Yuji received his Th.M. degree. He then served as pastor to internationals in an Evangelical Free Church in Canada.
During their time in Canada, Yuji became Reformed in his theology through reading R. C. Sproul and others. Yuji and Eri contacted the MTW Tokyo/Chiba team about the possibility of working together in Japan. Over time, God led the Iwatas back to Japan to join in the church planting and school planting ministry of the MTW Chiba AO Team.

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