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Knowlton, Keith & Rachel
Serving in Scotland | Acct # 400293
Keith, a native of Lakeland, Florida, and Rachel, a native of Birmingham, Alabama, met at Furman University and married in 2008. From 2009–2010, they served as short-term missionaries in East Asia before returning to the States for Keith to enter law school. Upon completing law school, Keith practiced law in Greenville, South Carolina for seven years.
Through God’s providence, their family was called to serve with Mission to the World in Edinburgh, Scotland. Since 2020, they have partnered with the Free Church of Scotland and have served at Buccleuch Free Church located in the heart of Edinburgh. They serve their local church and community through teaching, discipleship, and evangelism efforts with a particular focus on university students and internationals. Keith also serves as the MTW Regional Director of the UK and Ireland and is responsible for serving the MTW families located throughout the UK, strengthening and expanding national partnerships, and assisting in the recruitment and placement of new missionaries. Please pray that God will use them for the advancement of his kingdom throughout the UK.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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