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Goeglein, Lydia
Serving in Bulgaria | Acct # 12848
Growing up in a missionary family, Lydia was pretty sure that she wanted to be a missionary and serve overseas. She completed a teaching degree at Belhaven College, and began to teach English at Murrah High School in Jackson, Mississippi. Though the public school was her “mission field” for a time, she came to see God's calling to serve Him in overseas ministry in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Lydia serves with the MTW church-planting team and the UECCB (Bulgarian Evangelical Union of Churches) in Sofia, Bulgaria. She coordinates the team’s English language ministries to share the love of Jesus. Through clubs, camps, and Bible studies, the English ministry team seeks to form lasting Christ-centered relationships with the hope of inviting friends to the new church plant. Over time, Lydia’s calling has expanded into other spheres of ministry as well. She is on the new church plant planning team, mentors American and Bulgarian female interns, and tutors women rescued from trafficking and prostitution who are in a restoration program.
Please pray that Christ would prepare the hearts and minds of the Bulgarians who will hear the gospel, and that He would have His way in everything in Lydia’s life.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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