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Mitchell, Pete & Ruth
Serving in France | Acct # 14735
The Mitchells have been with MTW in France since 1992. They are currently leading the MTW church planting team serving in Toulouse, in southwest France. Toulouse, a city of nearly 1 million inhabitants is the fourth largest and one of the fastest growing cities in France, as well as an aerospace technology hub. The Mitchells’ team rejoices to see their sister church in the center city revitalized after eight years of missionary investment. Over the same time period, the team started developing the new church plant in Tournefeuille, a western suburb of Toulouse. They are seeing growth through personal evangelism, community service, and newcomers arriving in the region looking for an evangelical church. The church plant, like their sister church, is racially and culturally diverse, being made up of many different nations—a small taste of what heaven will be like!
Pete’s primary responsibilities are leadership, preaching, and developing the church plant and new leadership. Ruth is involved in mentoring young French believers, training teachers of children, and counseling. She is also a part of the Member Care council for MTW Europe and enjoys caring for new missionaries on the field and their children.

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