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Stephens, Noah & Karleigh
Serving in Thailand | Acct # 17063
Noah served with Mission to the World on several short-term mission trips to the Philippines during his summer breaks while attending Covenant College. It was during this time that he began considering full-time ministry. He graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, with a Master of Divinity degree and was ordained as a PCA pastor in 2012.
Karleigh grew up in Georgia and attended Berry College, where she studied early childhood education. She began considering missionary service after being involved with Campus Outreach. Together, Noah and Karleigh decided to pursue cross-cultural missions and married in 2015. They have three children.
The Stephens family has been serving with MTW in Bangkok, Thailand, since 2021. They are currently using their gifts at Grace City Bangkok Church, located in the center of Bangkok. Noah is involved in pastoral ministry (preaching, teaching, shepherding), while Karleigh serves on the children's ministry team. The Stephens family desires for God to use them to further His kingdom by helping establish many Christ-centered churches throughout Thailand. Please pray for and consider supporting the Stephens family as they serve the Lord in Bangkok.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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