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Newsome, Wayne & Amy
Serving in Japan | Acct # 15405
Wayne and Amy Newsome rejoice at how God is working in Japan. Because less than 1 percent of the population is Christian, there is a great need to continue both missionary work and partnership with nationals to see the gospel transforming culture. While the numbers are small, Wayne and Amy believe God’s Spirit is at work and they are expectant to see how the church will grow.
Since 1990, they have served as church planters in Nagoya, one of the major urban areas in central Japan. Wayne is the team leader, overseeing several sub-teams of missionaries and national partners involved in various stages of church planting. He enjoys mentoring and equipping others, and feels privileged to also be directly involved in the leadership of one of the team’s churches. Amy works as a counselor in the MTW counseling network, as well as in a counseling practice in Nagoya. She is also serving as the leader of member care in the Asia/Pacific region.
The Newsomes have five children, all of whom now reside in the U.S. Wayne and Amy invite you to join them in prayer for God’s name to be made known and worshiped in Japan.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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