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Teacher: Sofia Christian Academy

Bulgaria Sofia 1–11 Months Longer Europe - Eastern

Join our team and teach at Sofia Christian Academy, an MK school that serves as a traditional school (K-12) and a home-school cooperative for multiple missions organizations throughout Bulgaria. For many missionaries, their ability to remain on the field is closely tied to their children’s access to education. SCA fills this critical need for our mission field and the teachers are a precious resource!

The school has a four-day week, Tuesday through Friday, which would allow you to be involved in other areas of ministry with teammates, in church, and developing friendships with Bulgarians, just to name a few. A college degree is preferred, but an education major is not necessary. Come for a semester, or join the team long term! If you have a passion for teaching and shaping lives, be part of what God is doing in Bulgaria.


English Outreach
Art, Music, Media: Calling All Creatives!
English Outreach
Evangelistic English Ministry
New Team Forming in Nicaragua: All Gifts Needed
English Teachers Needed: Global Muslim Ministries
Cambodia Village Internship
Summer Internships
Teach at New Horizon Christian School
Elementary School Teachers for International School
1–11 Months