By giving to an MTW project, you can help meet a special, specific need and make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for your generous support of Mission to the World!
Devastating wildfires in Vina del Mar, Chile, have left thousands without homes.
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Compassion funds enable us to respond quickly to global disasters that touch our missionaries and their communities.
Help to economically empower women around the world and reach them with the hope of the gospel.
This fund helps us take extraordinary care of your missionaries so that they can focus on bringing the gospel of Jesus to a world in need.
This livestock production project helps to offset the effects of drought and economic decline on rural households in the Natisa Presbyterian Church community in Zimbabwe.
The Ugandan Church is caring for the physical and spiritual needs of refugees.
Support a ministry seeking to collaborate with and connect Africa-based organizations and missionaries to broaden the biblical and Reformed influence throughout the region.
Mobility training helps the blind learn to travel independently to MTW Chile’s Presbyterian Ministry Center for the disabled.
In Bulgaria, biblically trained leaders are the foundation of a church-planting movement.
Help the Czech church publish Christian resources in their own language to spread the gospel and deepen theological training.
A church plant in downtown Madrid called Libreaccesso (“free access”) spreads the gospel of hope and redemption.
Help plant an intercultural church in Athens, Greece which includes developing language-specific small group Bible studies that are integrated into a single intercultural church community.
At the request of the Ukrainian Church and our national partners, to provide humanitarian aid from the hands of churches in the U.S. to the hands of churches and displaced communities in Ukraine.
Your gifts will allow the church to obtain and renovate centrally located rental space and other pay for other expenses while they grow to be self-sustaining.
Give to a children's school supporting over 60 children from remote South Asia hill tribes.
Help national church planters and leaders to receive deep theological training.
Help the maintenance and repair of Christ's College's buildings in Taipei.
Support the ongoing operational and ministry costs in reaching diverse migrant and immigrant peoples living in South Korea.
We've been welcomed to walk alongside these tribes, connect with their families, and listen to their stories. Through supporting these Indigenous ministry efforts, your gift will allow us to develop exciting new areas of ministry collaboration.
Provide start-up funds to establish this business-as-mission enterprise, an outreach of the local church, in its initial years.
Training North African church leaders to be the trainers.
Support our local missionaries and their outreach to the Sakalava people of Madagascar to plant churches and translate the Word of God into their own language.
This project helps ensure the ongoing training of leaders and church planters for the Los Piños Nuevos denomination by providing seminars and resources that would otherwise not be available.
Support the MTW team’s word and deed outreach to the disabled of Chile.
MTW’s partnership with a Mexican church network is facilitating a church-planting movement.
Partner with MTW as they help the national Presbyterian denomination plant a church among professionals in Ensenada, Mexico.
Fund a creative director position to enable Christians at City Church and beyond use their creative skills to share the gospel to people in their city.
A Reformed, Presbyterian, confessional, and liturgical church is being planted in Sibiu, Romania.
Help us build a unified, well-equipped team to work with native peoples in this newly created region.
The Lighthouse Children's Home cares for children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or are from abusive situations.
This fund supports church planting and growth in Japan through the use of the arts.
Funds from this project will be used to facilitate, equip, network and collaborate with other artists and leaders to communicate the gospel in unique and authentic ways.
Your contributions will help pay for translation of the book from English to Japanese and then distribute it to churches and pastors.
This endowment will enable Covenant Seminary to employ a full-time professor of world missions who will educate future pastors about God’s mission.
This fund is distributed among our projects around the world that support the physical and spiritual needs of at-risk children.
"The Journey" is a chronological film-based tool to equip local believers across sub-Saharan Africa.
Support the theological education efforts in a West African country.
Help the students and families of the Josephine house get funding for their daily needs.
Support the Bible translation efforts for the Quichua-speaking people to get the Bible in their own language.
A health clinic in Cusco, Peru, extends the gospel to patients and health care students.
Help develop and implement training programs that will generate local leaders.
Help the church of Ukraine get relief during the war and rebuild in the future.
Help enable Czech people to hear the gospel and practice English at Christian English camps.
These funds will go towards a new British-born church planter for a daughter church of Immanuel Church Brentford.
This Reformed seminary is serving as a powerful catalyst for the growth of the kingdom in South Asia and beyond.
Help the light of the gospel to go forth into remote tribes in one of the most unreached countries in the world.
A Japanese-led Presbyterian church in the heart of Tokyo offers the gospel of hope to professionals.
Support a national pastor, provide start-up funding for a new congregation, and allow the team to make strategic long-term investments
As older missionary leaders are nearing retirement, MTW & the North American church needs help to send the next generation. Empower the Next Generation
The MTW Ambassadors Fund is a grant-based funding model that supports projects in three strategic categories: planting churches, developing leaders, and transforming communities.
Your gifts will help solidly establish and grow these regional hubs by providing for hub staff salaries and operational costs.
Equipping pastors to deeply apply the gospel as they lead the Church.
Pastoral Training
Providing gospel-based teaching and resources to believers in the Arab world.
Our West Africa team is developing an agricultural development program where pairs of local and international trainers will be deployed across the region, teaching more profitable farming methods.
The RUF Senegal Project supports the establishment of the RUF university ministry at the University of Dakar,
Your gifts will support the construction and expansion of the Teranga Village, a girls' home in Senegal.
Gospel-centered church planter training for Mexican pastors.
Fund a mobile training facilitator who works alongside missionaries and local leaders throughout Central and South America to disciple and train pastors, ministerial candidates, elders, and deacons.
Help our team in France produce high-quality discipleship videos and launch this web-based discipleship ministry.
Your gifts to this project will be used to underwrite the cost of translating the “Reformation Study Bible” into Polish, equipping the Polish church with a long-awaited tool which will increase the quality of preaching across churches.
This very strategic project seeks to train those who will eventually become the foundation of the Reformed Church witness in Central Asia—an area where people are daily under pressure for their faith.
This project helps provide food, medical care, a quality education, and the message of the gospel for children in Docine Christian Academy.
Support the work of MTW’s Global Member Care Network and help our missionaries thrive in their calling to bring the good news of Christ to the nations.
Donations will cover the necessary administrative expenses to provide an online Master of Christian Education to non-U.S. residents at no cost.
This project helps people of color follow their calling to the field and supports our vision of diversifying our missions force.
Help fund theological studies for young African men who are pursuing ministry on the mission field or in the pastorate.
A partnership of MTW missionaries and Ethiopian partners holistically serves Addis Ababa through church planting and mercy ministries.
Support a network of church planters, pastors and church leaders who are focused on revitalization of the Church in Uganda.
The start of a Spanish-speaking church planting movement at the Texas-Mexico border.
Help Reformed campus ministry spread throughout South America by supporting training conferences led by the RUF team in Bogotá, Colombia.
Give now to assist the growth and ministry of the Belizean church, which is beginning to increase it's reach across the whole country.
Your financial gift will allow Christian education to thrive and expand in Belize, impacting the next generation!
Church Building
A home for a new church plant in West Toulouse, France.
Students receive training in Reformed theology and prepare for ministry.
Help provide food, shelter, Christian education, and discipleship for orphaned children in one of the poorest countries in South Asia.
Raising up Bible-teaching servant leaders to fill Tokyo with the gospel.
* Featured projects display with a photo and a description.
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