A Japanese man who escaped his home minutes before the tsunami hit described the aftermath as “a hellish sorrow.” As the 2011 earthquake and tsunami ushered in a season of sorrow, it brought with it a season of unprecedented spiritual openness. MTW’s team in Nagoya aided in the earthquake and tsunami relief efforts, and countless Japanese encountered our churches for the first time.

The Japanese have been largely hardened to the gospel, but this is beginning to change. Though the priority is church planting, the missionaries working in Nagoya team are also working in other ministries such as teaching and college outreach. The team, whose motto is “Equipping the Japanese to reach the world,” has planted four churches and is working to establish a mission school called Nagoya Christian School.


Bakelaar, Peter & Diane

Peter and Diane Bakelaar serve as church planters in Nagoya, Japan. Together they lead Bible studies, disciple new believers, and communicate the gospel in Japanese.

Peter and Diane Bakelaar serve as church planters in Nagoya, Japan. Together they lead Bible studies, disciple new...

Bauserman, Rachel

Rachel Bauserman works with MTW Next in Nagoya, Japan. She seeks to actively engage the emerging generation with the Gospel. She also serves missionary kids across the Asia/Pacific area.

Rachel Bauserman works with MTW Next in Nagoya, Japan. She seeks to actively engage the emerging generation with the...

Brinkerhoff, Jane

Jane Brinkerhoff is involved in leading evangelistic Bible studies and discipling new believers in Nagoya, Japan.

Jane Brinkerhoff is involved in leading evangelistic Bible studies and discipling new believers in Nagoya, Japan.

Cain, Brooks & Riva

Brooks and Riva Cain serve as MTW missionaries in Nagoya, Japan. They are a part of Next, equipping people to reach the next generation for Christ.

Brooks and Riva Cain serve as MTW missionaries in Nagoya, Japan. They are a part of Next, equipping people to reach...

Carter, Michael & Cathalain

In partnership with Shiga Church, Michael and Cathalain Carter are working with a new church plant in downtown Nagoya, Japan.

In partnership with Shiga Church, Michael and Cathalain Carter are working with a new church plant in downtown...

Harrell, Frank

Frank Harrell serves with MTW in the Kansai area of Japan through church planting.

Frank Harrell serves with MTW in the Kansai area of Japan through church planting.

Hegler, Matt & Emma

Matt and Emma will serve in Nagoya, Japan, as part of the MTW Next Asia-Pacific team reaching the next generation.

Matt and Emma will serve in Nagoya, Japan, as part of the MTW Next Asia-Pacific team reaching the next generation.

Jensen, Ben & Julie

The Jensens' ministry unites their love for East Asia with their desire to see Jesus Christ worshiped among the unreached.

The Jensens' ministry unites their love for East Asia with their desire to see Jesus Christ worshiped among the...

Johnson, Darlene

God gave Darlene a heart for Japan, where less than 1 percent of the nation’s 127 million people are Christians.

God gave Darlene a heart for Japan, where less than 1 percent of the nation’s 127 million people are Christians.

Jordan, Alex & Heather May

The Jordans are excited to help establish and teach at Nagoya Christian School in Nagoya, Japan.

The Jordans are excited to help establish and teach at Nagoya Christian School in Nagoya, Japan.

Newsome, Wayne & Amy

Wayne and Amy are church planting in Nagoya, Japan and hope to see the kingdom expand throughout the country.

Wayne and Amy are church planting in Nagoya, Japan and hope to see the kingdom expand throughout the country.

Nolen, Megan

Megan is coming back to Japan with MTW to serve for 11 months In Nagoya.

Megan is coming back to Japan with MTW to serve for 11 months In Nagoya.

Olivares, Oscar & Nancy

Oscar and Nancy are looking forward to church planting, discipleship, teaching elementary school to missionaries’ children, and assisting in the opening of a new Christian school in Nagoya, Japan.

Oscar and Nancy are looking forward to church planting, discipleship, teaching elementary school to missionaries’...

Stewart, Robert & Lisa

Robert and Lisa Stewart serve with Mission to the World in Japan. They focus on community outreach through Bible studies, programs for children, and participation in community events.

Robert and Lisa Stewart serve with Mission to the World in Japan. They focus on community outreach through Bible...

Wallace, Holly

As part of the Nagoya team and the Community Arts team, Holly will be able to support a new church plant by helping with English outreach programs, assisting college ministry, and working at Gallery NANI in Seto.

As part of the Nagoya team and the Community Arts team, Holly will be able to support a new church plant by helping...

Wilson, Tom & Teresa

Tom and Teresa Wilson direct gospel, classical, and church choirs in Nagoya, Japan through Mission to the World.

Tom and Teresa Wilson direct gospel, classical, and church choirs in Nagoya, Japan through Mission to the World.

Worden, Phillip

Phillip will be supporting a young church plant in the city center of Nagoya, Japan.

Phillip will be supporting a young church plant in the city center of Nagoya, Japan.

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Reach Out to Japanese With English Classes

My Internship in Japan: What I Learned About Prayer and Sharing the Gospel

I arrived in Japan with apprehension and excitement. ... Then a few days in, our orientation reminded me of our goal to share the gospel.


Women Around the World: Amy Newsome in Japan (AUDIO)

CDM’S Karen Hodge interviews MTW missionary Amy Newsome about her life, her challenges, and her joys in ministry.


One Day in Nagoya, Japan, With Amy Newsome (VIDEO)

Veteran missionary Amy Newsome walks us through a typical day of her life on the field in Nagoya, Japan.


Making Space for Transcendence in Secular Japan

Japan is one of the least religious nations in the world. How does this influence how we do ministry?


Japanese Student Asks, "Is the Bible Really True or Is It Just Fiction?"

For months a Japanese student has been coming to hospitality nights and an introductory Bible study, but she's grappling with questions.


Reaching Japan's Lost Millions (Audio)

Japan shows us that money, health, education, and material possessions do not satisfy the human heart. But God is at work bringing hope.


Seven Weeks in Japan: A Summer Intern's Perspective

When I first came to Japan I did not love this country. Now that I've been here for almost two months, things look a little different.


"Don't You Dare Stop Having the Global Missions Conference!"

The PCA Global Missions Conference has played a significant role in helping MTW Japan grow.


Japanese Pastor Plants Church in Least-Reached State

A young Japanese seminary student just four years ago, Nozomu is now a respected pastor planting a church in Japan's least-reached state.


From Homestay Visitors to Christ Followers

One missionary family shares how their experience hosting homestays in the U.S. is helping to further the Church in Japan.


How Black Gospel Music Is Changing Hearts in Japan

“I thought: ‘Japanese people singing black gospel music? This will never work.’”


Japanese Student Finds Christ through School

The missionaries involved at her high school invited her to youth group. The ripple effect that had on her family proved to be powerful.


A Conversation that Transcends Cultures

An MTW missionary woman struck up a conversation with a young Japanese lady at English Café Night. It turns out they had a lot in common.


Good News of Great Joy: A Christmas Baptism

This Christmas we rejoiced together with the angels in heaven as Mrs. S professed her faith in Jesus and was baptized.


Relief in Full

Compassion and hope for a devastated people in Ishinomaki, Japan


Church Planting in Japan: A Video

Missionaries and national pastors in Japan are hard at work building the Church. Take a peek at what God is doing!


Why Are the Japanese So Resistant to the Gospel?

We hear of the explosive growth of the church in China, India, Africa, and even in the Arab world. Why not Japan?


"Mom, there's something I need to tell you."

He had been a Christian for about a year, but hadn't told his parents. He was struggling with questions like: "why go to church anyway?"


Video: Why Japan?

What does Japan need more than more people willing to go? Churches willing to send them.


Sinking in Japan

We’d gone from living in a place where we were mostly competent and self-sufficient to one where we were functionally illiterate.


Japan: Lifting the Weight of Societal Pressure

The number of Japanese teachers taking time off from work for "mental reasons" has increased significantly in the last few years.


Pray for children in Japan who are attending Christian school and influencing their families for Jesus. 

Pray for the U.S. church to send workers to Japan where less than 0.5% of people are Christians.

Pray that God would use our Japan teams to open the hearts of the Japanese to God’s presence and love for them.

Pray for a Japanese student who is eager to believe, but still skeptical and asking a lot of really good questions.

Pray for the Japanese to realize that money, health, education, and material possessions do not satisfy the human heart.

Pray for Japanese pastor Nozomu and family as they grow a church plant in one of the least-reached prefectures in Japan. 

Pray for the Japanese men and women impacted by the gospel during recent homestays in the U.S. to continue in faith as they return to Japan.

Pray for the church-planting efforts of the Nagoya, Japan, team to be effective and that God would grow the Church in Japan.

Pray for youth around the world to come to faith, and pray for missionaries who minister to the next generation. Young people often impact their whole familes for Christ.

Pray for the relationships missionaries are developing with Japanese men and women. Pray for common interests and connections to be a bridge to the gospel.

Pray for the men and women in Japan who have been attending church to make a public commitment to Christ and to express their faith through baptism.

Please pray for the rebuliding efforts in Ishinomaki, Japan, and for church planting efforts in the region that have begun since the 2011 tsunami.

Pray for God to break through cultural barriers to draw Japanese men and women to Himself. And for God to call more missionaries to serve in Japan.

Pray for Japanese college students wrestling with new faith. Pray that they would have the courage to give their lives to Christ and not fear their family's reaction.

Translate and Publish God of Grace Book in Japanese

Your contributions will help pay for translation of the book from English to Japanese and then distribute it to churches and pastors.

NANI: Nagoya Arts Network International

Funds from this project will be used to facilitate, equip, network and collaborate with other artists and leaders to communicate the gospel in unique and authentic ways.

MAKE Collective

MTW creatives are becoming part of international church-planting movements.