A young couple finished their studies in Toulouse and now work full-time in this economically dynamic city in the southwest of France. Together with their new baby who often cries, they share a small, one-bedroom apartment. The young woman feels lonely. Her mother lives far away and she is full of questions and doubts about parenting and life.

Toulouse is a growing city with aviation, aerospace, and high-tech industries. There are over 120,000 university students and many young professionals. Like much of France, the spiritual climate is resistant, even post-Christian—yet we find many opportunities to share the love of Christ, such as with this young family. We are working to re-establish a Reformed, evangelical church near the city center and also lay groundwork for a new congregation in the western suburbs. As believers better understand the gospel of grace, we pray that the abundant life in Jesus Christ will overflow into the lives of their family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers.


Brock, Chris & Donnette

The Brocks serve as church planters in southern France, where only about 1 percent identify as evangelical.

The Brocks serve as church planters in southern France, where only about 1 percent identify as evangelical.

Gildard, James & Jacki

The Gildards are part of a church-planting team in Toulouse, France.

The Gildards are part of a church-planting team in Toulouse, France.

Mitchell, Pete & Ruth

Working in France, Pete and Ruth desire that future generations discover a living faith in the risen Christ.

Working in France, Pete and Ruth desire that future generations discover a living faith in the risen Christ.


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Explore Missions in France
Summer Internships

Planting Churches in Toulouse, France (VIDEO)

In Toulouse, an MTW team and French national partners are working to revitalize a downtown church and plant a new church in a nearby suburb.


My Critical Breakfast Guest

Over breakfast she criticized the meal, our home, and my hair. I didn’t want to invite her back. In that moment my heart was revealed.


The Coming Tide of Faith in Europe

Across Europe missionaries are watching the Spirit move with a rapidly accelerating pace as God opens door after door.


The French Evangelist Who Wouldn't Retire

An aging Frenchman never accepted the notion that he should retire. He preferred talking with his neighbors about God’s love.


Christ Will Build His Church

Europe is the new “dark continent.” Churches are being turned into bars and museums. But does that mean the European Church is without hope?


Pray for the ministry in Tolouse, France, and for many to come to faith in this post-Christian culture.

Pray for a church plant in Toulouse, France, to grow with new servant-disciples who bring in more new disciples, all drawing closer to Christ.

FRANCE: Pray that the Toulouse church plant would grow with new servant-disciples who bring in more new disciples, all drawing closer to Christ. 

Pray for missionaries seeking to minister to those who are critical and hard to love. Pray that missionaries would love their neighbor as Christ loved us.

Give thanks to God for a movement of the Spirit spreading across Europe opening doors that have been long-shut.

Pray for our church-planting efforts in France. Pray for the believers there to boldly share their faith with others. 

Pray for the declining Church in Europe. Many see Europe as post-Christian and without hope. But we know that Christ will build His church.

Pray for two women, Monika and Andrea, who have recently come to faith against the odds in a hard-to-reach, largely atheistic European city.

Pray for Monika, that God would continue to heal her, give her a new purpose, and protect her life from physical harm, and for Andrea, that she would grow deep roots of faith and be a witness to those like her—unlikely subjects—of the reality of the grace of God.

Suivre Jesus: Discipleship Videos in French

Help our team in France produce high-quality discipleship videos and launch this web-based discipleship ministry.

Europe Scholarship & Assistance

Enabling spiritual refreshment for missionaries and national partners

France: Reformed Evangelical
Church Building

A home for a new church plant in West Toulouse, France.