Often we think of Muslim ministry as something that takes place only in far off, exotic locations. We think of unreached people groups as largely unreachable except by those who learn a foreign language and move to the far sides of the world. But sometimes, the unreached are right at our doorstep.

In several major North American cities, MTW teams are reaching out to Muslims and unreached people groups in their midst with the hope of the gospel. These missionaries plant churches in multi-cultural neighborhoods, tutor and teach ESL to refugees and new Americans, and disciple new believers with solid biblical training. God has promised to call people to Himself from every tribe, tongue, and nation. As part of His sovereign plan, the Church is called to go out into the world to reach every nation. But when the nations come to our backyard, we are to be emissaries of His gospel in word and deed here as well. 

Engaging Muslims with the Gospel

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English Teachers Needed: Global Muslim Ministries
Student Ministry Outreach Among Muslims
Nonprofit Ministry Coordinator
Teach English to South Asian Adults
After-school Tutoring

There’s Purpose in My Suffering: Stories from Refugees

God is at work in the midst of this pandemic, drawing people to Himself. Let these stories be a reminder of the powerful God we serve.


A Path 270 Intern Shares Her Faith With Refugees

Just a few months ago I had never met anyone who had to flee their own country for safety. Now, I do life with these people.


Reaching Muslims With the Gospel (VIDEO)

We’re coming alongside believers in the Muslim world to plant churches where there are none and strengthen existing ones. Will you join us?


The One With the Beef Biryani

My South Asian friends are teaching me that I don’t need to know all of the vocabulary or cultural nuances to break naan with them.


The One With All the Bollywood Dancing

When my friend asked if I'd like to dance in the Gai Holud, one of her sister's pre-wedding parties, I was giddy with excitement.


Mission on Our Doorsteps: The Missional Opportunity of Refugees and Immigration to the U.S. (Audio)

Listen as Matthew Soerens examines how biblical principles can inform our response to the refugees and immigrants in our communities.


When Local Missions Is Global Missions: Our Church’s Outreach to Refugees

Only seven miles from our church is a refugee resettlement city with more people groups in one square mile than anywhere else in the world.


“God Broke Open the 10/40 Window”

Just outside of Atlanta, MTW missionaries are reaching the Muslim world as they serve a community of refugees.


Five Ways to Mobilize Your Church Members for Unreached People Groups

If you want your church to grow in passion for unreached people groups, immerse them in the Bible, and show them God’s grand story.


"Can We Say that Jesus Is God?"

As a young Muslim man studies the Bible for himself, he encounters the unmistakable divinity of Christ.


Meeting a Muslim Family

To our 2-year-old daughter, they were just another family in the park.


The Nations Have Come to Us: My Summer with Refugees

Since I have been here— just a little over 24 hours—I have learned one important thing: I have so much to learn.


Pray today for MTW's ministry to refugees in a large American city.

Pray today for South Asians, and the missionaries who are attempting to cross cultural barriers to build relationships with them. 

Churches in the U.S. are increasingly ministering to refugees and other internationals around them. Pray for God to use these efforts to draw many to Himself.

Pray for MTW's ministry to refugees in Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Uganda, Panama, and the U.S.

Pray for churches to grow in passion for unreached people groups and to mobilze members to give and serve.

Pray for Muslims who are investigating the truths of Christ in the Bible to come to the conclusion that He is God.

Pray that we would see Muslims as people just like us, with families, jobs, fears, and hopes. People who need the love of Jesus just as we do.

Pray for refugees living in the U.S. who are in desperate need of the gospel of grace.

Pray for Muslims to see the reality of Jesus and to surrender their lives to Him regardless of the cost.