Building Connections Close to You
MTW's Mid-America hub (formerly MTW Midwest) is a connection point for regional events, training, and help if you're interested in serving one year or longer. If you are a new church starting a missions ministry or your church has an established global outreach, we can help you through planning, mobilizing, and connecting you with global PCA church-planting works.
Along with our name, our boundaries have changed. Looking for your regional hub? Click the orange "Find Your Hub" button to the right.
Dale Hollenbeck

Dale’s love for missions came through his first Bible study in the book of Acts. He became convinced that God’s best gifts are people, and that God calls people to give themselves for the building of His kingdom around the world. Dale was a missionary in Uganda (2001–2011). He led two missionary teams that discipled leaders in various fields including: business as mission, medical missions, therapy, primary and secondary education, agriculture, theological education, campus ministry, and tribal reconciliation. He has successfully helped missionaries from nine countries develop cross-cultural ministries within African organizational structures.
Contact: [email protected]
Mariah Cunningham
Mobilization Specialist

Mariah was born and raised in the St. Louis area. She started exploring missions in high school through short-term trips and decided to major in missions in college. She has spent 12 years as a teacher in the public school system (teaching special education, third grade, middle school English, and elementary TESOL). Mariah actively served on the missions team at her church for nine years and has served as the mission director for three of those years. Her involvement in the missions team has led to a passion for integrating missions into all facets of church ministry and discipleship, from children's ministry all the way up to adult ministries.
Contact: [email protected]
MTW | Mid-America wants to connect with you. In addition to the opportunities above, we offer:
Brief videos of MTW missionaries who originate from the our hub are available and can be sent to your congregation.
"Connect" Virtual Events - find out what's going on with field missionaries.
If any of these interest you, please contact [email protected].
At MTW, we believe that sending more diverse missionaries better reflects the image of God and helps build more effective ministry as people of color bring their voices and gospel stories to those waiting to hear. If you would like more info about how the MTW Diversifi initiative and RADD (Reformed And Diverse Delegates) can help you in your mission, please contact one of our diversity mobilizers.
Sign Up for the Mid-America Newsletter
If you'd like to get in touch with our hub to learn more about events, talk about serving with MTW, or would like help for your church, please contact us!
To speak with one of our Mid-America representatives
Email: [email protected]
For questions about serving with MTW
Email: [email protected]
1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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