The Global Missions Conference Will Feature the Following Breakouts ( View Schedule)

Activated Leaders: Why Experienced Leaders Are Essential to a Mobilized Church
Matthew Ellison, President, 16:15 Outfitters

Explore the transformative power of senior leadership in mobilizing the church for the mission of God, inspired by Acts 13 and the dynamic church in Antioch. This breakout session will delve into why senior pastors and leaders are essential in championing God's biblical mission to make disciples of all nations. Discover how activated leaders can inspire, guide, and mobilize their congregations to fulfill this divine calling. Join us for an engaging and insightful discussion on empowering senior leaders to lead with vision and purpose, fostering a vibrant, mission-oriented church community.


Age of Opportunity: Serving Past 60
Dick Senzig, MTW Volunteer Missionary     

Empty nester? Retirement approaching (or arrived)? It’s never too late for God to use your education, work experience, and Christian faith—even your white hair—to take the gospel to the nations. In this seminar you will hear from older adults who are actively engaged in meaningful kingdom work overseas with MTW, even though they live in the U.S. Hear how God is using their diverse backgrounds in various kinds of ministry. Learn how their ministries are funded and the unique challenges they have faced in pursuing their calling. There is a place for you, older saint, to take the gospel to the nations!


Campus Ministry as Global Missions (RUF-Global)
Chad Brewer & RUF-G Campus Ministers

Pew Research reports that the 15–29 age window is the most likely age range for someone to either leave the church or to convert to Christianity and become part of the church. Campus ministry as a strategic way to do global missions is on the rise. Missions teams around the world are beginning to include campus ministry as part of their team’s mission. Come hear how God is using campus ministry to reach students and build the church around the world as well as opportunities to do campus ministry through MTW and RUF-Global.


Complexities of Discipling Africa's Growing Christian Population    
Dr. Victor Nakah

Learn about the complexities of discipling Africa’s growing Christian population. Sixty percent of Africa’s population is under the age of 25, making it the youngest continent in the world. Seventy percent of all those who lead churches have no Bible or theological training. The majority of our church planters and pastors have no Presbyterian background or upbringing.


Crates for Ukraine: Mission in a Time of War
Doug Shepherd, MTW Team Leader, Lviv, Ukraine

Full scale invasion of Ukraine created a crisis that the Ukrainian and American Church needed to respond to. Crates for Ukraine was a strategic way to supply the most urgent and needed aid being requested by the Presbyterian Church of Ukraine. The crisis became an opportunity for the Church in the U.S. to pack aid and the Ukraine Church to distribute aid in the darkest times of the war. Hear how this response resulted in saved lives and relief amid suffering. In addition, hear how Crates for Ukraine continues to respond to the ongoing crisis and to build gospel connections for the future.


Current Trends in Missions              
Ted Esler, President/CEO, Missio Nexus     

What are the major trends in missions today and how are they affecting the Church and her role in the global Great Commission? In this session, you will hear about the major shifts that are affecting evangelism, discipleship, and church planting globally.


Discerning God’s Call Into Missions
Dan and Carol Iverson MTW Japan Long-term Missionaries         

The Iversons were 30 years old in seminary before they thought, even for one second, that God might call them to the nations. They ended up in Japan for 35 years. This seminar will be rooted in what the Bible teaches us about the gospel, the lordship of Christ, and a call to missions. Our speakers will share about their unexpected call to Japan, their initial resistance, their concerns about their children, and how God confirmed their call. From their long experience helping many in discerning a call (or not) to missions, they will share how prayer, our gifts, life experience, training, and the Church (sending and receiving) play a part in God’s providential leading and confirming a call. They will also share about the joy and difficulty of serving on the frontiers of the gospel.

Discipling the Diaspora Through the International Church
Andrew Lupton, Team Leader, MTW Oslo

Today one person out of every 23 is considered a transnational migrant. Mobility and migration are altering the human story more than ever before and the trend shows no signs of slowing. This unprecedented rise of global mobility and the accompanying diaspora people group present missional opportunities to which Christ’s Church must adapt and respond. Please join as seasoned international church pastors relay the strategy of discipling the diaspora by starting and strengthening international churches at key global intersections. The impact of the international church reaches beyond the pilgrims passing through its doors. Missional international churches can also catalyze national church planting movements and model a culture of hospitality for churches in the U.S. and elsewhere at this unique time in history.


Doing Missions From the Asian American Context: Advantages, Challenges, and Opportunities   
Luke Kim, Assistant Pastor

Asian American Christians have a shared experience of forming a Christian identity in a multicultural environment. In this process, they wrestle through cultural and spiritual ideologies. Their experience is an excellent asset for the global mission, where cross-cultural work is necessary. Furthermore, Asian parents’ zeal for their children to have a higher education and a professional job produced workers whose skills would be helpful for various mission works. Although they possess valuable skills and a multicultural mindset, mobilizing them to engage in the global mission has multiple challenges. This seminar briefly surveys the current situation of Asian American churches and will provide an answer to the question, “How have they done the mission?” Then, this seminar examines the current opportunities and tackles the question of “How to proceed from here?” The examination and the proposed answer will provide some ideas on cultivating a culture of mission in Asian American Churches.


Don’t Waste Your Plight! Opportunities and Challenges of Missions Engagement in the African American Context
Byron Johnson, Founder/Executive Director of VISION 9:38                        

Since the fall of man, God has been unwavering in His commitment to redeem His people. As we bear witness to His redemptive story, which commenced in the Garden and will culminate with His return, it is crucial to grasp the magnitude of His invitation. He has not just invited, but beckoned with fervor, all His children to participate in His redemptive story. This is not a mere request, but a testament to our importance in His glorious plan. None of us are exempt! We should not just long for, but feel a deep sense of responsibility and urgency to mobilize all tribes and people.

Is there a role for African Americans to play in world evangelization? Absolutely! Despite the unique challenges and obstacles, significant opportunities exist for Great Commission living, both locally and globally. How do we help mobilize our African American brothers to move beyond the four walls of their church, the four blocks of their community, into the four corners of the world? I joyfully believe that the world is waiting for African American missionaries! In His sovereignty and providence, God has given African Americans a unique historical plight for His purposes and His glory! This is not just a suggestion, but a stirring call to action. Come and hear about how we can play a role in seeing this come to fruition.


Enduring All Things for the Sake of the Elect: Global Missions and Eternal Glory
Anthony English, MTW Western Hub Assistant Director & MTW National Diversity Mobilization Specialist

We are called by God to be engaged in reaching the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ in some manner. But God's call to be engaged in global missions comes with the promise of suffering. It is this promise of suffering that causes many to hesitate in reaching the world with the good news of Christ. Come and hear about suffering for the sake of God's elect among the nations in light of the gospel and the example of past and present day Christians.


Evangelism and Self-Leadership with Christianity Explored
Rico Tice, Co Founder, Christianity Explored

At Christianity Explored Ministries, we've seen that the best way to ignite a culture of evangelism is to start with the leader. This breakout session is designed to help you do just that. Whether it's inviting a large group to a local pub or meeting one person for lunch to go through CE, we'll show you how to begin with the people God has already placed in your life. We'll cover everything from strategic planning and volunteer recruitment to effective follow-up, all with a focus on personal evangelism. Join us to transform your evangelism efforts and lead by example, engaging more deeply with your community and making a meaningful impact.


Equipping and Sending the Next Generation of Leaders
Nate Groelsema, Assistant Pastor

The apostle Paul embodied a heart for the next generation of leaders, referring to the younger leaders Timothy and Titus as his children in the faith. What does it look like to nurture such a heart in your ministry setting? Come and hear about the gospel principles that support developing the next generation of leaders.


For Such a Time as This: International Student Ministry           
David Billingslea, Campus Minister, RUF-International at UC San Diego             

In 2024, the U.S. will welcome over 1.1 million international students to study on U.S. college campuses. Never before have the nations of the world sent their best and brightest to be educated by one nation, the U.S., as is happening today. Many of the international students are from countries where we cannot send missionaries. Many of the international students are more open to the gospel than they would be if they were in their home country. International student ministry is a unique opportunity to introduce students to Christ and His people, the Church, through hospitality, evangelism, and discipleship. Come hear how God is at work through international student ministry as well as opportunities for you or your church to be involved.


From Resource Allocators to Vision Casters
Greg Hills, MTW Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Hub Director

Many missions committees see themselves more as resource allocators rather than vision casters for missions. While financial allocation is important, casting vision for missions in the congregation is vital to the Great Commission. Join us as we discuss the pathway to engaging your congregation in new ways and raising up workers for the harvest.


God Is at Work Across the Globe: A Panel Discussion With the RUF-MTW Internship Network
Lauren Dishman, MTW/RUF-Global Campus Staff, Bogota, Colombia                 

Come and hear from a panel of MTW missionaries in the RUF-MTW Internship Network share why they love welcoming interns into the context where they serve. They will also cover what a potential participant might expect from an internship or an intensive and why RUF students and interns in particular should seriously consider this opportunity.


God Is Moving Among the Roma in Slovakia
Daniel Gregoire and Juraj Sabol, Missionary, Ruling Elder (Dan), Pastor (Juraj)

The Roma people are a despised and impoverished minority group in Slovakia. After many years of investment in relationships and gospel outreach by the local church and missionaries the Roma believers are now reaching out to their own. This has been the turning point and the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of Roma to change their lives and redeem their culture. Join us to hear stories of the impact of the local church, Roma leaders, and MTW missionaries.


God’s Grace in Church Planting
Aaron Halbert , Pastor, Iglesia Presbiteriana Gracia Soberana

Church planting in any context can have its ups and downs. But I would venture to say that any church planter would tell you that it is impossible to not see God’s grace in each part of the process. This seminar will focus on the grace of God in the process of church planting. We will tell stories of God’s grace and faithfulness to the church in Tegucigalpa and hope that it is an encouragement to others. Helping us to see and understand how the Lord continues to be faithful to His people worldwide, we see His faithfulness through the big things and the little things that He is doing in Honduras.


Great Commission Synergy:  ESL, Refugee Ministry, and Global Missions
Leslie Johnson, Refugee and Immigrant Ministry Associate Director

Is God stirring your heart to participate in His plan to reach the nations? Have you considered local opportunities to discern His call and develop cross-cultural skills, experiencing the adventure of reaching those from the nations in your own community? Are you already in the field looking for new tools to reach nationals and refugees? Come discover people groups in your backyard, open to hearing the gospel because every familiar landmark in their lives has been shattered. Hear about multiple MNA strategies to reach the one in four persons in North America in immigrant families, such as ESL and refugee ministry. Learn how to develop your own Great Commission skills and support the work of missionaries overseas, as immigrant believers share their newfound faith with friends and family back in their homeland. This creates a ripple effect for the gospel and Christianity will no longer be viewed as “foreign!”


Haran to Canaan: Considering the Call as a Family
Nate & Nikki Bonham, Missionary Church Planters

In this seminar, we will seek to connect theology and practice as we explore what it means for a family to consider a call to the foreign mission field. “Could our marriage handle it? Will our kids resent us? How do I tell the grandparents about this idea? I don’t even know where to start or what questions to ask. Is this just crazy?” If you have had any of these thoughts or questions, this seminar is for you. We won’t have all the answers, but we can begin to walk together to seek wisdom from the One who does.


Launching (or Relaunching) an Effective Missions Ministry at Your Church
Steve Sage, Pastor, Grace Redeemer Church         

Whether your church is a church plant and ready to begin exploring your global missions engagement for the first time, or your previous missions ministry is inactive, or your church has never intentionally developed a missions ministry, this workshop will provide perspective and practical suggestions for how to begin. We will explore the connection between discipleship and missional engagement, suggest resources for laying a strong biblical and theological foundation, offer missiological insights to guide strategic priorities, and lay out key components to an effective missions team that oversees missions funding, missionary care, and the education and mobilization of the congregation for God’s mission.


Living Out our Christian Identity Missionally as Women of God
Mariah Cunningham and a female missionary (name withheld for security reasons)

We serve a God that is always on mission and as we reflect the character of God in our lives, we should see an identity that focuses on living missionally. We have a great privilege as women to serve in kingdom expansion through teaching and encouraging others toward missions, answering the call to missions by serving in areas that men cannot serve, or through supporting those already serving on the field. All of these topics promote a call to mission and living out a missional identity in Christ. We will briefly explore these topics of mobilization and support in connection to our call and identity in Christ.


Making Connections: Children's Ministry and Missions            
Mariah Cunningham, Amy Markwalter, Katie Flores           

The seminar will be hosted by three speakers. Mariah Cunningham is a mobilizer for MTW and has a background in education and teaching ESL. She has also written a new children's curriculum for missions. Amy Markwalter is an itinerating missionary for MTW; her calling with MTW is to care well for missionary kids. She has a background in education and currently works at a Christian school. Katie Flores is the director of children's ministry for CDM. She leads the PCA children's leaders and workers, discipling them into training up our next generation. The seminar will be split into two topics. The first topic will focus on observation and compassion toward cultural differences in our Sunday school classrooms. The second topic will focus on caring well for our missionary kids.


McDonaldization of Missions: Reframing Intercultural Competency in a Globalized World
Sam Kang, Director of Diversity Mobilization / Regional Director of East Africa

In the face of globalization, the 21st century has heightened the interconnectivity of many cultures and subcultures. However, dominant and subdominant cultures still shape our daily interactions. In our church and missionary team contexts, we are often challenged to collaborate in ministry on various levels. Some of us intentionally navigate the layers of cultural differences to work together, while others may prefer to avoid these complexities. What are the implications and challenges of our choices for gospel proclamation in the 21st century? How can we move forward humbly yet confidently despite cultural distances? As we invite others to join us in our work, can we foster greater internal "love for one another" and extend our Father's love across cultures?


Missional Family: The Gospel Comes With a Mission for Our Families, and Maybe With Passports
Dan Iverson and Family, Former Japan Missionary Church Planter and MTW Japan Country Director

Covenant family is a precious biblical priority. So is having an outward mission focus for this lost world. God’s heart is for BOTH, but Christians and churches often tilt toward one or the other in emphasis. But the two go together! The Bible promises that our covenant offspring will be a "blessing to all nations" (Gen. 22:18). And, because it is more blessed to give than to receive, being on mission with God as senders and goers becomes a great blessing to our families as well. Sharing from the Bible, our own experiences, blessings, challenges, and failures, we will focus on biblical promises, principles, and practical helps in discipling our families to be covenantal, gospel-centered, missional families for the sake of the gospel in “Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8).


Missionary Care Rooted in the Local Church     
David Thomae, Director of Member Care

Missionaries wonder, "Who cares?" God cares, of course. But God uses means. A foundational source of missionary care is the church that sent them. This seminar helps equip your church to care well for the missionaries you send and support. See what kinds of care are needed for your missionaries. Learn about what missionaries want their church to know (but may be afraid to tell you). Hear how caring well for your missionaries also benefits you. Discuss practical next steps for your congregation. Time to ask questions and hear answers from missionaries is included.


Missions in Unpopular Places: Opportunities for Kingdom Advancement in the Western Hemisphere   
Steve Robertson, International Director for the Americas

In recent years, mission work in the Western Hemisphere has slipped under the Church's radar. Challenges such as immigration issues have stirred tensions, casting shadows over the deep spiritual need in Latin America. Additionally, the concept of mission trips to nearby destinations might seem commonplace or overdone in some circles, causing us to overlook the Indigenous peoples in the U.S. and Canada. There's still much to be done, and the call to spread the gospel remains as urgent as ever. Come hear inspiring stories of God's ongoing work and the countless opportunities for gospel impact, not only within the Americas but also across the globe.


Missions Starts Now! Local Opportunities for Missions Discipleship
Dale Hollenbeck, Director, MTW Mid-America Hub

The United States is the most diverse mission field on the planet. That gives the North American church a unique opportunity to disciple the saints for global missions through the ordinary ministries of our local churches. This seminar will help church leaders affirm the gifts of their members, name missions competencies to sharpen, and identify local opportunities in order to raise the next generation of missionaries.


Mobilizing Worshippers Among the Unreached in the 10/40 Window
Neal W., International Director, Global Muslim Ministries             

Joshua Project records 3.4 billion people, 42% of the world, who are considered unreached and remain without adequate access to the gospel unless someone intentionally crosses barriers to take them the treasured message of God’s love. A majority of these unreached people are found within the 10/40 window and are primarily characterized as followers of Islam. How can the American Church participate in making the gospel of the kingdom known to these unreached peoples? The Global Muslim Ministry division of MTW has been wrestling with this question for over 25 years. Come and hear about lessons learned and current initiatives to mobilize worshippers among these unreached people.


Pursuing Gospel Saturation in Latin America: Developing Pipelines for Multiplication             
Jaime Jimenez, Pastor of Missional Discipleship at Grace Presbyterian Church in The Woodlands, Texas; Founder & Developer of Co-Vocacional

We long to see the world saturated with the gospel of Jesus. But how can we pursue, in the power of the Holy Spirit, an exponential multiplication of disciples, church planters, and churches in Latin America? How can we cultivate a missional DNA where God’s people would live for God’s mission in their everyday lives? How can we develop leaders and plant churches in contextualized and sustainable ways to see Latin America being reached for Jesus? We will discuss some of the challenges the church in this region faces, key elements that help foster multiplication, and ways for U.S. churches to develop healthy partners with the church in Latin America.


Reached, Unreached, Misreached, and Where to Send Missionaries
Steve Robertson and Neal W., International Director for the Americas and International Director for Global Muslim Ministries

Should missions be driven solely by metrics? While numbers provide vital insights for resource allocation and strategic planning in fulfilling the Great Commission, they are just one part of the narrative. Often, they obscure the complexities of our journey in partnering with God to disciple the nations. Join us in a dynamic dialogue between MTW’s international directors for the Americas and Global Muslim Ministries as they collaboratively redefine our approach, moving beyond the confines of mere statistics to embrace a holistic vision of mission.


Singularly Committed: Exploring the Role of Single Missionaries
Panel of MTW Missionaries, Panel lead by Brent Kooi, Australia

Being single has its advantages and its challenges. But what about serving overseas as a single? Is it safe? Is it wise? Is it giving up on ever getting married? Hear from a panel of single missionaries about all this and more.


Speed Them on Their Way: A Sending Culture
Dee Hammond, Pastor of Missions & Outreach    

Does your church have a culture of raising up and sending out missionaries? Christians agree that the Great Commission is a priority in Christianity. Most churches agree that getting missionaries to the field is a priority in the life of the church. While we can agree on these priorities, sometimes our priorities can get snuffed out by other things. Going cross-culturally with the message of the gospel is a high calling. Many people in our churches wonder what it means to be called to the mission field. They wonder how a person knows for certain. They wonder what the steps are that someone needs to take to become a missionary. This seminar will explore a missionary-sending culture in the life of the church.


Starting from Zero: Aiming at Church Planting Through Evangelism in the Middle East
JR Stevenson, Church planting team leader

Five million people. No churches among the target people group. Where do you start when you’re beginning from zero in a “closed” country? We’ll discuss how combining our Reformed commitments with multiplication-focused evangelism and biblical counseling can help us aim at church planting. We’ll also consider how starting from zero in an unreached people group may provide insights into how to reach unbelievers in your own context.


The Right Stuff: Mental & Emotional Resilience in Missions
Jeff Vaughn, Licensed Professional Counselor

Do I have what it takes to serve God overseas? Mental, emotional, and spiritual health is important to meet the demands of cross-cultural work, but God uses broken people to demonstrate His power and grace. Thankfully He does not send us alone. Join our discussion on increasing gospel-centered resilience through community as you prepare to serve God wherever He’s calling you.


The Unfinished Task: Planting and Perfecting Churches Among the Unreached in Asia-Pacific
Jonathan I., International Director, Asia Pacific

With close to 5 billion people, the Asia-Pacific region is home to the largest concentration of unreached people groups in the world. As many as 3 billion people in this region may die without ever hearing the good news of the gospel in their language. This is a pressing need. Join us to learn more about MTW’s efforts to bring the transformative message of Christ to these spiritually needy areas through the planting and perfecting of churches. Hear inspiring stories from the field, understand the challenges faced, and discover how you can contribute to advancing God's kingdom among the unreached. Be part of this vital mission to complete the unfinished task and bring the hope of the gospel to the ends of the earth.


“Those Who Can’t Do, Teach?” The Strategic Role of Equipping in Missions              
Matthew Newkirk, Christ Bible Institute in Japan                 

When you think of missions, do you picture an evangelist sharing the gospel on the front lines or a church planter leading a congregation directly? Indeed many missionaries do those very things—praise God! But what about equipping nationals to evangelize and church plant? Where does this endeavor fall on the strategy spectrum as it relates to the church’s global mission? In this seminar we will consider this question by looking at Christ Bible Institute in Japan as a case study. Come and see how God is working for the sake of His name through an equipping ministry in the second-largest unreached people group in the world.


To the Ends of the Earth 'Til the End of the Age  
Phil Stogner, MTW Director of Church Planter Coaching Europe

The roots of church planting are in the Great Commission which sets us all on a path to go to the ends of earth with the good news of the forgiveness of sin. Our mission is an exciting adventure of faith which follows the design of God to birth new congregations until the return of Jesus. In this talk you will be encouraged and equipped in the global church planting paradigm, which defines church planting as evangelism that results in new congregations. The Bible commands us to "go therefore and make disciples of all nations" with a promise of the fruit of church plants reaching to the furthest ends of the earth. The fruit of following the Holy Spirit into new and foreign places with the gospel results in the fruit of new congregations.


Today’s Persian World Revival and MTW’s Role in It
Richard *, Persian World Regional Coordinator

The Persian World is often considered the center of global controversy and conflict. Yet the Persian World is also at the center of one of the largest Christian revivals taking place today. There is so much growth in the gospel, in fact, that Persians are considered the fastest growing Christian population in the world. Hear about what God is doing to drive this rapid growth of the gospel and how MTW is contributing.


Turning Taxes Into Kingdom Treasures
Bruce Owens Director, MTW Center for Estate and Gift Planning              

This seminar is designed to help Christians know how to manage their resources as faithful followers of Jesus by addressing topics like: leveraging tax dollars into gifts for your church and ministries; recent tax law changes that may impact your budget, giving, and investment strategies; tax implications for selling property or a business in the next few years; implementing your estate plan from a biblical stewardship perspective; affirming your estate plan is relevant in these challenging economic times. Whether you are a retiree, nearing retirement, or starting off as a new couple, this seminar can equip you to biblically steward your resources by maximizing your giving to family and ministry while minimizing your taxes payable.


Unapologetic on Mission Trips
Jerry Gibson, MTW Director of Mobilization & Western Hub

The global missions community is really wrestling with whether mission trips are more beneficial than they are harmful. That all depends on what you do, where you do it, and how you do it. There are places we should not go and ways we should not serve. Join this breakout session for some unapologetic thoughts about the positive and negative impacts of mission trips. Learn how to better ensure you are truly helping through improved site selection, team preparation, and ministry activities.


Vocational Mission for Global Kingdom Advancement
Jud Lamos, Founder/CEO, 18.26 Network

Hendrik Kramer called laity the “frozen assets” of the church.  Bishop Efraim Tendero claimed, “In order to fulfill the Great Commission, every believer needs to be a minister and every workplace a place of ministry.” “The Great Commission can never be fulfilled by pastors and missionaries alone,” said Michael Oh, global executive director/CEO of the Lausanne Movement. Yet, “the falsehood of a ‘sacred-secular divide’ has permeated the Church’s thinking and action.” “We err,” suggested J. Christy Wilson, Jr., “when we assign personal evangelism at home to the lay Christian but missions work abroad only to the specialist.” In this seminar we will review the early advancement of the Church through lay movements, the development of tentmaking in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and look at how mission is being redefined in our day to as men and women, like Aquila and Priscilla, share the gospel cross-culturally through their vocational calling.


Welcoming Your International Neighbor
Chris Sicks, Pastor, One Voice Fellowship

Jesus lived at the geographical crossroads of three continents—the perfect location to fulfill the promise made to Abraham, that “through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed.” (Gen. 26:4) Today, our own neighborhoods are becoming global crossroads. People who have never heard anything true about Jesus are now living down the street. How can we offer a proactive welcome to our new neighbors, and together experience a foretaste of heavenly worship? (Rev. 7:9) Being a stranger or sojourner has always been part of the DNA of God’s people. This earth is not our home! To be in step with the truth of the gospel (Gal. 2:14), we must practice philoxenia—love of strangers. Join us to be encouraged with stories, strategies, and resources so you can welcome others, as Christ has welcomed you. (Rom. 15:7)


Why Is Europe Strategic?
David Stoddard, International Director for Europe

Is Europe still strategic? What people often mean, but will never say is this: Wouldn’t we as a church, as a missions committee, get more bang for our missions' buck elsewhere? We are going to look at some strategic arguments why we still need missionaries to Europe. We will also look at some of Europe's greatest "defeater beliefs." Finally, we will explore some of the key political, social, economic, and religious influences affecting Europe’s church context today.


Why MTW?
Lloyd Kim, Cartee Bales, Mark Bates, MTW Coordinator, MTW Senior Director of Field Operations, MTW Senior Director of U.S. Operations            

With all of the wonderful missions agencies serving around the world, what makes MTW special? In this breakout session, you will have the opportunity to interact with some of the leaders of MTW to learn what MTW does and does not do, the advantages of serving with MTW, and how MTW is uniquely positioned to serve Presbyterian churches and members.


Workplace Ministries
John M MTW Workplace Ministries Coordinator

Hear stories about business women and men from the U.S. work with MTW missionaries and their local partners to plant and revitalize churches around the world. And learn how you can too!

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