Many volunteers are needed for the PCA Global Missions Conference, which will include four days of missions inspiration, vibrant worship, and practical application that will challenge us to rediscover the Great Commission. Our volunteer positions are pivotal in ensuring a smooth and successful event. Not only will you get to practice valuable skills, but you'll see the conference from a whole new angle, and have a blast while doing it!

The following roles and time commitments are available:

Registration: 34 hours per sign up
Working at the registration desk, you will greet people as they come, assist with check-in/logistic questions, give out registration materials to attendees, and serve as an overall resource. This will be a fast-paced environment and will require a lot of standing. The registration desk will turn into an information desk after 9:30 am. on Saturday, November 2.

Greeters: 2–3 hours per sign up
A greeter will provide a welcoming presence to all attending, ensure an efficient flow of people traffic, field questions on finding each session, utilize a quick reference map to provide directions as needed, and be a resource to people with questions or proactively seek out those who might need assistance.

Ushers: 2–3 hours per sign up
An usher will help people find seating in the plenary sessions. The ushers will arrive 30 minutes prior to the plenary sessions and be assigned by the head usher to specific areas of the main hall. As necessary, ask guests to move to the center of the row to consolidate empty seats along the aisles where they will be more accessible. Provide assistance to guests with special needs.

Breakout session hosts: 1.5–2.5 hours per sign up
Breakout session hosts will introduce the main speaker, ensure things start and end on time, and give a notice when it is time to wrap up. If applicable, the host will also announce the session sponsor and point out materials provided by the sponsor. The host will be the point person to find assistance if there are challenges such as AV not working, room temperature problems, overfilled room, etc. The breakout host would be able to sit in the session the entire time. (The Saturday afternoon slot actually covers two breakout times, so if you volunteer then, you would have two different breakout sessions.)

Lunch workers: 23 hours per sign up
The lunch worker will facilitate people picking up box lunches, ensure everyone finds the rooms they need, serve as greeters as people walk into the room, help the line move and field questions regarding food allergies.

Exhibit hall move-in/out help: 24 hours per sign up
Exhibit hall move-in/out help assists people with unloading and loading boxes, booth materials, and more. Needs to be comfortable lifting boxes of various sizes and being on your feet for long periods of time.

AV experts: 6.5 hours per sign up
The AV expert will assist with audio and visual needs. A basic understanding of how to operate and set up a small audio console, scan and set frequencies for wireless microphones, set up speaker placement around the stage, set and focus small breakout projectors to fill the screen, and an understanding of cable needs and adapters for various computers is desired. AV professionals will be on site to set up equipment but may need help troubleshooting throughout the event in various locations.

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