Clifford, John & Rachel

Serving in Rwanda | Acct # 400779


John was born in one of the most beautiful places in the world: Cape Town, South Africa, and has been involved in missions all over Africa since he was 19 years old. Rachel was born in the U.S., and had been serving in missions in Japan and Uganda, when she happened to pop into Cape Town. Soon after she and John met, they got married and promptly had four children. After spending three years in South Africa together, John attended Reformed Theological Seminary in Washington D.C. to become better equipped to serve the Church in Africa. During that time, God began to reveal the opportunity to serve in Kigali, Rwanda.

Africa is in need of healthy churches, biblically informed leaders, and gospel-centered missionaries. John and Rachel aim to help meet that need in Kigali by helping new church plants flourish, working with a Bible college to train church leaders, and running a missionary internship program in order to help many discover the calling to missions that God has placed on their lives. The Cliffords hope to see Kigali become a hub for sending out missionaries and church leaders into all of Africa.

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