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Conroy, Abigail
Serving in El Salvador | Acct # 400267
Abigail grew up as an MTW and Wycliffe missionary kid in the Philippines and has had a passion for international missions from a young age. Other key pieces the Lord has used in leading her to join MTW include studying community development at Covenant College and a six-month mission internship with MTW. After a vision trip to El Salvador, Abigail accepted an invitation to join the new church-planting team going to San Salvador.
On this team, she hopes to live out the gospel in both word and deed. Abigail will spend the first part of her two-year term focusing on learning Spanish and networking with locals. She also hopes to serve with Mission to El Salvador, a local mercy ministry, as a way to get to know and serve the community. Abigail is excited about her team's vision, which is to see God glorified by advancing a church-planting movement in El Salvador through living out the gospel, evangelism, discipleship, and equipping and training national, qualified church leadership to develop and establish Presbyterian churches throughout El Salvador.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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