Cook, Brian & Julia

Serving in Global | Acct # 400946


Brian and Julia met in 2011 on a Campus Outreach summer beach project and shared a desire to work in cross-cultural missions. Married in 2014 during graduate school, they prepared for the field by serving in medical student ministry, leading international mission trips, and engaging with the local church. Over four years, they grew their family through adoption, welcoming four children. During those years, God used their roles as physical therapists and Brian’s entrepreneurial ventures to demonstrate how workplace relationships can build bridges to share the gospel.

Now, they’re answering God’s call by joining the Workplace Ministries team at Mission to the World. Workplace Ministries promotes the planting of churches and advancement of the gospel by coming alongside MTW’s international teams to help build relationships, provide business training and consultation, and create jobs for the poor. Brian and Julia will live in the U.S. and spearhead the development of the Workplace Resource Network, mobilizing American Christians to use their vocational knowledge and skills to meet field-identified needs. They will plan, coordinate, and lead international group venture trips to MTW teams and their communities. They will also pioneer innovative ways to extend the reach of the gospel through the marketplace.

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