Crusey, Todd and Liz

Serving in England | Acct # 11479


J.R.R. Tolkien wrote about the dangers of going out your door saying, “If you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” In 2019, the Cruseys packed up their home near Houston, Texas, and prepared to move to Perth, Western Australia. By March 2020, just as they were ready to go, Australia closed it borders due to the global pandemic.

After months of waiting in limbo, God opened the doors for them to join a church-planting team in Brentford, West London. They stepped out of their door, thinking they were going to Perth, but now the road is taking them London. While Australia remains closed, there are immediate needs and opportunities to serve in West London.

The Cruseys have committed to serving in London for two years. Their work will include evangelism and outreach, as well as supporting the ongoing work of church planting. They are excited to serve in London and pray that God will use their time in the “mother country” to continue preparing them for future service in Australia.

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