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Davis, David
Serving in Brazil | Acct # 11706
David grew up in Lexington, S.C., where he came to know the Lord at an early age. He studied engineering at Clemson University and credits FCA, RUF, and Clemson PCA with helping him grow spiritually. In 1991 David responded to God’s call to missions instead of finishing a master’s degree and returning to a career at NASA.
Since 1995 David has been in Ouro Fino, Minas Gerais, Brazil, about 100 miles north of Sao Paulo. Through MTW and Equip International he helped develop the School of Hope and Life—a group of Christian foster homes and vocational training for boys and girls removed from highly negligent or abusive families. Most of the children accept the Lord when they experience love, the gospel, and a stable home for the first time in their lives. This often opens the door to work with their family and neighbors. Some return to their restored families, and others leave the nest as productive citizens.
Pray as David recruits and trains more Brazilian and international workers so that the ministry grows to cover other local needs, links with church planting and revitalization, and multiplies to additional strategic and needy locations.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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