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DeBoer, Shannon
Serving in Japan | Acct # 400270
In 2009, Shannon discovered her calling to the Japanese people through a Google search. She learned that the Japanese are the second-largest unreached people group in the world, with less than 1% of the population being Christian. At that moment, she knew that God was calling her to support the Church in whatever way she could.
Through the past 10 years, Shannon has spent four years teaching English to high-schoolers in Japan and five years preparing for missions. She joins the MTW team serving at Christ Bible Institute (CBI) in Nagoya, a ministry which works in connection with Christ Bible Seminary, Joy of Japan Center for Church Planting and Development, Heart and Soul, Christian Counseling for Japan Project, and CBI Press.
Through its various ministries, CBI focuses on raising and equipping Japanese Christian leaders and discipling believers. Shannon will be teaching English literature, ESL, participating in Heart and Soul community outreach, working with mercy ministry, and taking Japanese lessons to better engage in ministry. Please pray for Shannon as she helps encourage and build the Church in Japan.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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