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Larsen, Eric & Rebecca
Serving in Global | Acct # 29256
Eric and Rebecca have worked with adolescents and emerging adults since 1990—Eric as a PCA pastor and Rebecca through hospitality, discipleship, and mentoring women in ministry. Eric has a doctorate in youth, family, and culture, and teaches applied theology through MTW’s Next Institute sites in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the U.S.
The Larsens founded Next in 2007, working among today’s largest unreached people group: the 10/30 Window (10- to 30-year-olds). Today they lead growing global teams based on four continents. Their mission is to serve the global Church in reaching the next generation. Next pursues its mission in three strategic ways: 1. Sending missionaries around the world to reach and disciple adolescents and emerging adults. 2. Training national leaders and local churches seeking to reach young people in their own communities. 3. Sustaining missionary kids and parents through resources, training, care, and counseling.
Because Eric and Rebecca grew up as children of missionaries/ministry leaders (and are raising MKs of their own), they understand the unique challenges these families face.
Please pray for the Larsens and their vision of “Reaching the Nations and the Next Generation.”

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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