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Congdon, Joe & Felicity
Serving in Japan | Acct # 11378
In 2019 Joe and Felicity completed their first term of service (four and a half years) in Japan, two years of which were spent serving with Yokkaichi Christ Church, where Joe learned firsthand to preach to and minster to the Japanese in their native language.
Joe and Felicity’s vision is to raise up the next generation of young pastors and church leaders in Tokyo. After centuries of missionary effort, today fewer than one half of 1% of the Japanese are Christians.
Joe is a church planter and team leader for MTW’s church planting team in Tokyo. In August 2020 the Congdons will begin work on a new church plant in the Setagaya Ward of Tokyo, home to nearly 1 million people, the vast majority of whom have never met a Christian. In conjunction with this church plant, Joe and Felicity will also be helping to launch Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) in Tokyo and a strategic intern residency program designed to reach and train college students for a lifetime of ministry.
Please pray for the millions of lost Japanese, especially the young families and college students who live in the Setagaya Ward of Tokyo.
Help start a new university ministry and church plant in Tokyo, Japan! Click to learn more.

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