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Johnson, Johnny & Annette
Acct # 13675
When they were 23, the truth of the gospel invaded the lives of Johnny and Annette Johnson, radically changing them. As they grew in Christ, both began to serve and teach in the church. Prior to departing for the mission field, Johnny served as an elder at Faith Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama, for 26 years, and Annette worked for 18 years in a local pregnancy center, serving as director from 2002–2009.
God used a difficult engineering job in Eastern Europe to begin preparing Johnny and Annette for His call to the Czech Republic. They spent several summers serving as leaders of short-term mission teams, teaching English alongside the MTW team in Zlin. It was through these summer missions that the Lord confirmed their call. Throughout 10 years of service in the Czech Republic, they saw God drawing people to Himself, training and equipping believers for service in His kingdom, and sending them into their atheistic culture to bear witness to Christ. They returned home in 2020 and retired from full-time mission service with MTW. They are hoping to continue to work in God’s kingdom locally through discipleship and evangelism. They are also hoping to continue to engage in ministry in Europe on a periodic volunteer basis as there is need and as God provides opportunity.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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