Kalamaras, Joslyn

Serving in Japan | Acct # 400893

Support needs are met. Praise God!


Joslyn Kalamaras is a missionary who will be working in Tokyo, Japan, with the Community Arts team this summer to minister through art exhibitions, music, and the local churches. God has placed it on her heart to minister to the Japanese people, and she hopes to travel following her education and continue her ministry and industrial design work there. She decided to do the internship because of her heart for the lost in Japan and her interest in serving through the arts. Ever since she was little, she has had various experiences through friends of the family, food, and media that shaped her interest and love for the country. A few years back, she became more aware of the glaring need for missionaries in the country, and God put the desire in her heart to serve there.


Please pray for the Tokyo team and the various churches she will be serving with: that God would continue to strengthen their faith and ministry, allow them to see God’s powerful work in and through them, and that the fruit of their labors would encourage them to persevere in shining the light of the gospel. Please pray for the many who are lost in Japan to see Jesus and the truth of the gospel clearly.

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