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McFarland, Peter
Serving in Spain | Acct # 400689
Having grown up as a missionary kid, missions was always a part of Peter’s life, but it was not until he went to the University of Miami that he sensed God was moving him away from a career as a professional orchestral musician toward becoming a full-time missionary. Central to that shift was a quote Peter read in college by a man from the 1700s named Count Zinzendorf who said, “I just want to share the gospel, die, and be forgotten.” That quote is now Peter’s motto, and through God’s leading, he plans to live it out in Madrid, Spain, where less than 1% of the population is evangelical Christian.
Due to the strong ties between the State and Roman Catholicism throughout Spain’s history, both recent and historic failings of the church have led to disillusionment toward a church that is seen and remembered as an oppressive power. Secularism and nominal Catholicism are on the rise in a place where the gospel of grace through Jesus has long been resisted.
Peter will work with the Madrid Team, focusing on relational evangelism and assisting church planting. He has significant experience as a Bible study leader and in ministry to the homeless.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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