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Sabin, Mike & Eli
Acct # 16895
From multiple locations, Trans World Radio broadcasts biblical programs to the Asia region. TWR is reaching the lost in many countries in Asia where missionaries are not allowed to go. There are believers scattered around the region, but not enough pastors and/or mature Christians to help the many believers understand the Bible. Our broadcasts help believers in Asia to grow in maturity. Programming includes sharing the gospel with unbelievers, discipleship, pastoral training, church services, and Bible study.
Mike and Eli have been serving under an agreement between MTW and TWR since February 2002. Mike is a member of the TWR global technical team. He oversees studio and broadcast performance of TWR facilities in Asia. He also plans broadcasts aired by contracted transmitter sites. In addition, he helps with engineering projects. Eli assists with the processing of reception reports.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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