Murray, Elizabeth

Serving in Japan | Acct # 400509

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Elizabeth has a passion for using Christian education to inspire youth to love learning, and to help introduce them to, or strengthen their relationship with Jesus. Elizabeth taught students in America for five years as she pursued a degree in education and prayed for guidance in ministry. God used a yearlong internship in Japan to show Elizabeth the great need there.

Only 1% of the Japanese population is Christian. The lack of the gospel is seen in their self-reliance, materialism, and pride. Covenant Community School International seeks to be a light in young Christians’ lives and the community around them.

Elizabeth is excited to answer God’s call to go back to Japan and lead the dual language program at the school where she interned. She looks forward to combining her passion for education as well as sharing the gospel in a place that so desperately needs it. When Elizabeth left, the school had to pause the dual language program creating a hardship for missionaries and non-Japanese speakers. Elizabeth is excited to return and continue mentoring students. Along with getting back to the school, Elizabeth looks forward to restarting her ministries with the youth group, college students, and ESL for young mothers.

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