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Sale, Zachary & Joy
Serving in Bulgaria | Acct # 17303
Zach and Joy married in 2015 and have four children. They were both interested in overseas missions from the start of their marriage. Through short-term trips, prayer, and many conversations with family and friends, they felt God calling them to international missions. But where? They served on multiple short-term trips and learned about MTW Bulgaria through their local church. In the summer of 2017, Zach and Joy participated in The Well, a mentored internship in Sofia, Bulgaria. During the internship they felt God calling them to come back long term.
Zach and Joy are excited to be a part of the team in Bulgaria reaching out to the student community and building relationships. Most importantly, they are excited to share Christ's love with the broken and struggling people of Bulgaria, whether that brokenness is obvious or hiding behind a put-together exterior. Please pray for Zach and Joy as they share their love for the people of Bulgaria and show them Jesus.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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