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Velez, Angel & Wally
Serving in Japan | Acct # 400236
Angel and Wally grew up in Aibonito, Puerto Rico. Born into a Christian family, Angel gave his life to Christ at a young age. Wally grew up in a Catholic family but had a real encounter with Jesus in high school. She then joined the same church Angel grew up in.
Together they served in worship, drama, youth ministry, and Sunday school for years. After college, Angel completed a certificate in theology at The Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics. They married in 2015 and welcomed their daughter in 2020.
While support raising they dedicate their time to serving at All Saints Presbyterian in Austin, Texas. They are both committed to helping their Unidos Ministry, a ministry dedicated to proclaiming and demonstrating the reign of God in Christ through cross-cultural unity. Within this ministry, Angel is a volunteer youth leader and Wally serves as coordinator.
As God began to move them toward missions, He placed Japan in their hearts right away. An MTW vision trip to Japan in 2018 confirmed what they already knew in their hearts. Their vision is to teach the hope of the gospel to the Japanese through profound relationships and the arts. Please pray for them as they prepare to serve in Chiba, Japan.
Follow them on Instagram @velezinjapan and Facebook @angelandwally.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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