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Boiko, Yuri & Olya
Serving in Poland | Acct # P-0588
The Boiko family are associate members of Christ the Savior Presbyterian Church, in Krakow, Poland. They fled the war from their hometown, Manchenky, Ukraine, which is near Kharkiv. Kharkiv is where the Ukrainians started a successful counter-offensive in September 2022, liberating 4,600 square miles.
Yuri Boiko with his wife, Olya, and four children are a tremendous help to the church. Yuri is currently working as a temporary pastor for the Ukrainian speakers in the church. He has been leading a successful teen ministry, Vibe, and a preteen ministry, Świetliki, to (mostly) unchurched Ukrainians. Please pray that the young ones who do not know Christ would come to know Him personally.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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