Teach in an Unreached Middle Eastern Country
Global Muslim Ministry Team North Africa-Middle East Muslim Team 1–11 Months Longer Middle EastAre you a certified K-12 teacher? Imagine yourself doing your same job, but among an unreached Muslim people group.
Or do you have a background in higher education, qualified to teach on the university level? Instructors with a master's degree or higher in teaching, teaching English, applied linguistics, TESOL, or other teaching areas are needed.
Join our team and help us as we evangelize, disciple, and plant churches in a Middle Eastern country. Millions of Muslims in our city have never heard the wonderful news of Christ, and there are very few local believers. We're looking for people who are willing to come and proclaim the grace of God. Jobs in education are expanding in our country and you could be a part of a church planting team, building relationships and speaking of Jesus, while working in a local school or university.
If you have a passion for reaching the unreached, we’d love to talk to you.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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