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GMC Scholarship Fund for Students and Missionaries

Americas - North | Project # P-0744


MTW’s mission is to make disciples among all nations. We believe this mission is bigger than MTW—it is the mission of Jesus that He gives to His Church. Jesus told us to multiply His followers in all places. Are we? Are you?

The Necessity of Mobilization:

The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 10 that the only way we can accomplish our mission is if we send missionaries to the nations. Currently, our greatest need at MTW is for more people to send.

  • Our fields are asking for help. Our current missionaries are weary and overworked crying out for more people. We have places for people to go.

  • Many career missionaries are retiring. They are leaving the field and there aren’t enough people to take their place. We desire to raise-up people to continue their work.

  • We are specifically working to mobilize younger people. We are praying many will catch the vision for God’s mission and commit their lives to global missions.

The importance of The Global Missions Conference:

The theme of this year’s PCA Global Missions Conference is Multiply! Rediscovering Our Mission to Go and Make Disciples. We hope the Global Missions Conference will rekindle our zeal for the Great Commission and encourage and equip churches to send more missionaries.

In addition, the Global Missions Conference has always been a catalyst for mobilization. Consider what a previous participant said about the 2017 Global Missions Conference:

“I attended optimistic that I would return with some clarity as to direction for which I have been
praying and working with one of our counseling elders about. The conference demystified some things, solidified my conviction, forced me to see some things in myself, and prompted me to take the next steps toward preparing to go.”

The Global Missions Conference Scholarship Fund for Students and Missionaries:

To inspire and mobilize the younger generation, we desire them to come to the Global Missions Conference. We hope to give them an opportunity to interact with missionaries and to hear what God is doing around the world.

For this to happen, we desire to make the conference affordable for both students and missionaries. Will you partner with us to make this possible?

  • MTW desires to provide a $150 dollar scholarship for 550 students and missionaries.

  • Two families have seen the importance of providing scholarships for students and missionaries and have created a $50,000 matching grant.  When you give, your gift will be doubled by this match.

If you would like to partner with us in this goal, you can also complete your generous gift via check to: Mission to the World, P.O. Box 744165, Atlanta, GA 30374-4165. Please write “GMC [Project Number P-0744] on the memo line.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and generosity to MTW. We pray God will use our efforts to raise up more workers to go and make disciples among all nations.