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Iglesia La Fuente de Gracia

Americas - South | Project # 94786


Of the 1.2 million people living in the area surrounding Cusco, Peru, only four percent are Christians.

In this ancient city, established by the Incas, Christ’s Church contends with a syncretism of Catholicism and Incan mythology. Despite this challenge, God’s kingdom is expanding here. As a natural and exciting outgrowth of long-existing MTW mercy ministries, La Iglesia Fuente de Gracia (The Fountain of Grace Church) was begun a few years ago. Using one-on-one discipleship that always begins with friendship, the church is growing both deep and wide. They are a dynamic community of faith that involves the whole person, expresses the love of Christ with compassion, and does everything to the glory of God.

Your gifts to this church support the rental and renovations of the meeting space as they continue to grow, as well as financial aid to Peruvian ministry interns being equipped with training for eventual full-time ministry. Please join them in giving and praying, that they may see Cusco transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.