Jonathan Lee leads worship in South Korea.

Will You Help Spread The Love?


Your Missionary Needs Your Ongoing Encouragement and Support.


Imagine you are a missionary in Kampala, Uganda, working hard to plant a church.

After eight years of working 70+ hour weeks—learning the language and culture, fundraising, recruiting, and reaching out to the local people—you have a small core group of 15 meeting in your living room. Every attempt to secure a building has fallen through.

You feel lonely. Discouraged. Stressed. Worn thin.

But then you open your email. You have a message from a friend in the U.S. saying they were excited to hear your church started meeting. They have sent an extra gift and assure you they are praying!

Suddenly, you don’t feel so alone. You remember that God and other people care about you and the work you are doing. You are motivated to press on.

This is what you do for your missionary! Every prayer, every encouraging word, every time you take care of one of their needs, you remind them they are not alone. You help them feel seen and inspired when the burdens of missionary life overwhelm them.

Would you consider sending an extra dose of encouragement to your missionary through an additional gift this Christmas season?

Don't Currently Support a Missionary ...?

... then you can give to the project below—#98101. This project provides support for our missionaries for a variety of special circumstances. Any gift given between December 231, 2024, will be used to support the training of new missionaries in 2025.

Where Needed Most
Project # 98101
Pamela McGinty With Friends

Your gifts and support gives your missionary the fuel they need to keep going in life and in ministry. And this Christmas season is the perfect time to encourage them through an extra gift.

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Can we rely on your continued support? During this season of giving, will you give an extra gift to your missionary?

And if you are not currently part of a missionary support team, would you consider giving to MTW Project #98101 to launch new missionaries in 2025? Our new missionaries are in an exciting but busy time in their ministry. Your gifts will lift the burden of their preparation costs. 


Where Needed Most
Project # 98101

Thank you for loving on MTW missionaries. Thank you for making it possible for them to love others by telling them about the hope of Christ.