A Pastor's Perspective: How the Global Missions Conference Shaped My Life's Direction

By Matt Fray, Oct 31, 2017

In November of 2002 I attended the PCA Global Missions Conference (GMC). As a student at Covenant College, I was initially lured by the promise of two days away from the dorm and cafeteria. But God graciously redirected me toward something far better: the adventure of two months on the mission field.

Through its times of worship, helpful seminars, and relational tapestry, the GMC nourished a seed that God had planted in my heart two years earlier when John Piper preached at my home church in Dallas, Park Cities Presbyterian Church (PCPC). Following a series of powerful sermons on missions, Piper extended a “missions altar call,” where he invited people in the congregation to come forward if they believed God was calling them to give a month or more of their lives to missions. I went forward that night, but was unsure how I might fulfill that calling until I attended the GMC.

At the GMC, I learned about MTW’s summer internships, which allow young adults to go live and serve with full-time MTW missionaries for an extended time. Through PCPC’s high school ministry, I had been on several trips to Peru; so the summer internship in Cusco piqued my interest. Better still, I was able to meet with some of the MTW missionaries serving in Cusco, and by the time the weekend was over I had written a letter to my parents telling them the good news: I was not planning on coming home the next summer!

My participation in the GMC not only shaped two months of my life, but also led to indelible changes in how I think about the world, the Church, the gospel, and my own faith and dependence on Jesus Christ. It deepened my belief that while I am sinful on my own, even I can be graciously counted righteous in Jesus Christ (Romans 4:5). And it broadened my understanding that while I am insignificant on my own, I am called to world-shaping work as a witness of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). Ultimately, the truth and joy of those convictions led me to seminary, to pastoral ministry, and, in a surreal work of grace, back to PCPC where I now serve as an assistant pastor.

I am thrilled that PCPC has the privilege of welcoming and equipping a new generation of missionaries, college students, and many others to the GMC in Dallas this November. I am eager to see how God will continue using this event in my life, and in the lives of so many others in our denomination as we seek to be obedient to the Great Commission.

Join us Nov. 10–12 at the 2017 Global Missions Conference in Dallas! Visit

Matt Fray is an assistant pastor at Park Cities Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas. 

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Youth Ministry Leaders
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Pray that churches would care well for missionaries on home ministry assignment, and that missionaries would tangibly feel God's love. 

Pray for a new parish-style church in Bangkok, Thailand, where the missionaries and church members are able to live in close proximity to one another and more easily minister to the community around them. 

Pray for God's provision for missionaries raising support, and that they would remember that developing ministry partners is a ministry.

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Give thanks to God for the hundreds of thousands of Iranians who have come to faith over the last two decades. Pray for God to protect believers and draw more to Himself. 

Pray that the global church, including the PCA in the U.S., would make evangelism a priority, and share the truth with those around them. 

Pray that God would draw many PCA church members, pastors, students, and those passionate about global missions to the GMC conference in November.

Give thanks and pray for a couple in Japan who recently came to faith as they faced the last days of the husband's life.

Pray for those in Turkey continuing to rebuild from last year's earthquake, and for continuation of the spiritual growth seen as a result.


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