Haitian Children Entrenched in Voodoo Encounter Christ
Five children—siblings—attended Dociné Christian Academy in Haiti. Their grandfather, father, and uncle were all Voodoo priests—leading obscene ceremonies for the community and singing songs in praise of Satan. The children, imitating their parents, staged Voodoo ceremonies of their own, and sang the same songs of blasphemy. But then, slowly, God began to work on their hearts.
Every day at school they heard the truth of the gospel spoken in love by their teachers. Every day they received their free meal, and a small nagging voice in their hearts asked, “Why? Why would they give these things to us and ask nothing in return?” Eventually, all five kids came to faith, professing Christ as Lord and Savior in their lives. Today, they no longer sing Voodoo songs in praise of the devil. Instead, they sing songs that worship Jesus.
Transformation like this is made possible by your generosity. All over the world people are hearing about Christ and coming to faith. Thank you for being such a valuable partner in MTW’s efforts to spread the gospel among the nations.
If you would like to support Dociné Christian Academy’s life-changing work, please give to give to Haiti LoveOne and sponsor a child’s education for just $35 per month.

Andrew Shaughnessy is a long-time word slinger who spent nearly six years as MTW’s staff writer, gathering and telling impact stories from missionaries across the globe. These days, he’s off working as an analyst and editor in the publishing industry, writing fiction, and mountaineering. He holds a B.A. in history and English literature from Covenant College, and an M.S. in political science from Portland State University.
Haiti: Updates from a Country in Turmoil
Haiti has been mired in a downward spiral of a multifaceted crisis that has brought its people to their knees with a cry of desperation.
SEE MOREHaitians Endure Immense Suffering in Wake of 7.2 Earthquake
About 650,000 people (40% of Haiti’s population) are still in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.
SEE MOREMTW Compassion Funds Feed the Starving During Global Pandemic
As quarantines continue, people are beginning to starve. MTW missionaries, acting as the hands and feet of Christ, are responding.
SEE MOREPlease pray for Haiti, and particularly for the safety of our ministry partners in Gonaives as they continue to labor patiently with the people.
Please pray for Haitians, particularly those in southern Haiti, whose communities were devastated by the recent 7.2 magnitude earthquake.
Pray for God's work in Haiti as people are struggling under political turmoil and COVID-19.
Pray for our rebuilding efforts in Haiti and the Bahamas that is a response to Hurricane Matthew. That God will muliply the funds and strengthen the church.
Pray for the ministry of the Etiennes in Gonaives, Haiti. Pray for the church, schools, children's homes, and for the raising up of national leaders.
Pray for churches to send short-term teams to Haiti, and that these trips would make a significant impact. Pray for trip participants and for the Gonaives church they go to serve.
Pray for MTW's ministry in Haiti in the midst of ongoing gang violence and ongoing instability.
Pray that a church-planting movement ignite in the Dominican Republic. Over the years, God has given us the opportunity to teach and train both Dominican and Haitian church leaders and we have finally launched a team in the DR.
Give thanks to God for raising up a new team led by veteran missionaries. Pray the team will impact the culture of El Salvador by identifying and training leaders who have a vision to start churches in their communities.
Pray for missionaries at each distinct stage of ministry: discerning a call, itineration, transition to the field, service on the field, home ministry assignment, and transition home at the end of service.
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