Philippines Update - January 2014

Jan 9, 2014
The initial Global Disaster Response team returned to the U.S. shortly before Christmas. The roof of Bogo Presbyterian Church is now stronger structurally and ready to have a local crew come and install the sheeting that is already waiting on site. Another medical clinic was held in a Bogo church on the last day just around the corner from where the team stayed. 

Over the course of 10 days, the team helped not only with church reconstruction, but also with reconstruction in the community where many homes were decimated. The medical contingent conducted clinics, providing both physical and psychological care to victims, who were grateful for the opportunity to finally talk about their experiences. 

In Cebu and surrounding areas, reconstruction needs are endless. Devastation was at a colossal level, but not equally or evenly distributed. Many structures no longer exist and others need significant repair, while others need limited supplies and materials to return to a pre-typhoon state. 

What's Next? 
MTW's work is not done. Hundreds of generous donors have given more than $420,000 to MTW relief efforts in the Philippines, and as a result MTW’s response can continue for months to come. MTW plans to partner with Filipino pastor Zuriel Bernandino, who is planting a Reformed church in a strategic area of Manila as a part of Redeemer’s City to City ministry and is reaching out to Tacloban, the area hardest hit by the typhoon. Four students in the church have families in Tacloban, enabling the church to minister to and through these families. 

New team leaves for Tacloban on Sunday
A secondary assessment team of four men leaves the U.S. on Sunday for Tacloban. They are joining a Japanese medical and construction team (from a church that partners with Pastor Zuriel). The aim is to figure out more specifically how MTW can best partner with Zuriel, e.g. teams, money, etc. Please be in prayer for this team and for wisdom as decisions are made. 
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Outreach and Ministry to Trafficked Women
Cultivate: Upcoming One-Day, In-Person Seminars
Church Planting and Community Outreach Coordinator

Creating a Refuge after the Storm

Two years after Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, Hereos Church has a new building, a new name, and a renewed faith.


From the Streets to Safety

Michael was abandoned to the streets at 3 years old, having been dropped off at the local trash dump. Security guards "took him in."


Praying for His Mother

Nanay loves her children very much. She is neither neglectful nor abusive; she simply has no capacity to care for them at the moment.


Pray for the rebuilding efforts in Tacloban, Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan.

Give thanks to God for all He's done to provide a future for the victims of typhoons in Tacloban, Philippines. Pray for continued growth of the church and for God to raise up leaders locally.

Pray for three orphans in the Philippines. Two boys and one girl. Their mother passed away just a year ago and their father died when they were very small children. Pray for them to know the love of Christ that heals the brokenhearted.

Michael was abandoned to the streets at 3 years old. Now he lives at an MTW home for street children in the Philippines. Pray for Michael and other children like him.

Raindale prays for his mother that God would heal her and they could be reunited. Would you pray along with him? And for other children who long to be reunited with their families.

Please pray for the rebuliding efforts in Ishinomaki, Japan, and for church planting efforts in the region that have begun since the 2011 tsunami.

Pray for Francesca and others like her who receive medical care through MTW clinics. Pray that the care they receive would strengthen their faith in Christ.

Pray for the long-term future of the street children of Ang Bahay Parola (ABP), the Lighthouse Project, in the Philippines. Many former street children have gone on to be godly, successful, happy adults.

Pray for MTW's CEMIPRE ministry center for the blind as MTW missionaries, staff, and volunteers help restore hope in Chile, especially in the wake of devastating wildfires.

Give thanks for the work God is doing in South Asia in the wake of COVID lockdown relief. Ask God to grow the new believers who came to faith in Christ as a result.


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