Once known as “the breadbasket of Africa,” Zimbabwe’s once booming economy is now fragile and struggling—with a 90 percent unemployment rate and a notoriously unstable currency. Zimbabwe struggles spiritually as well. Though the majority of the population self-identifies as Christian, in reality most follow some combination of a heretical prosperity gospel and African traditional religion.
Here, in this country of beauty and chaos, a small team of MTW missionaries is working with the Zimbabwean Presbytery of Bulawayo to plant churches in both the city and in rural areas. Simultaneously, the team and Presbytery disciple new believers, train local Christian leaders, and foster economic empowerment initiatives through the church plants. The gospel is at work in Zimbabwe, the church is growing and multiplying, and hope is taking root in a dry land.
Mugari, Jorum & Evah
Jorum and Evah return to their homeland of Zimbabwe to pursue God’s calling for the training and discipling of church leaders.
Jorum and Evah return to their homeland of Zimbabwe to pursue God’s calling for the training and discipling of church...

The Estranged Church: National Missionaries Train Prosperity Gospel Pastors in Zimbabwe
A false gospel led churchgoers to drink detergent. When confronted, these false prophets expressed a surprising hunger for solid theology.
SEE MOREMTW Compassion Funds Feed the Starving During Global Pandemic
As quarantines continue, people are beginning to starve. MTW missionaries, acting as the hands and feet of Christ, are responding.
SEE MOREThe Need for Discipleship in Africa (VIDEO)
As a pandemic rages throughout the continent, MTW Africa moves forward with a clear vision to transform the church through discipleship.
SEE MOREInternational Director Victor Nakah and His Vision for Africa: A Video
The future of the Church in Africa is in jeopardy unless the focus shifts from evangelism to discipleship. It's time to deepen the Church.
SEE MOREPray for the church in Zimbabwe and the new growth being fostered through the work of national missionaries there.
In Zimbabwe, pray for rural pastors gathering for monthly theological training.
Support a ministry seeking to collaborate with and connect Africa-based organizations and missionaries to broaden the biblical and Reformed influence throughout the region.
"The Journey" is a chronological film-based tool to equip local believers across sub-Saharan Africa.
This livestock production project helps to offset the effects of drought and economic decline on rural households in the Natisa Presbyterian Church community in Zimbabwe.
Help fund theological studies for young African men who are pursuing ministry on the mission field or in the pastorate.
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