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Claburn, Chris
Serving in Thailand | Acct # 400710
Chris is going to Bangkok, Thailand, to serve with an MTW church-planting team alongside Thai national pastors in the local church. Chris came to know the Lord in a student ministry at the University of Alabama. After graduating, he spent two years in East Asia as a part of that same ministry sharing the gospel with students, most of whom had never had an opportunity to hear.
While in Bangkok, Chris will be involved in restarting a university outreach ministry close to a potential church-planting site. In preparation for this work, God has used Chris’s church in Atlanta to shape and grow him tremendously, providing a context within which to serve the surrounding community well. He believes God uses the church to reflect Himself, and to bring many to know Him through the witness of a body of believers. Chris desires to see healthy, believing churches planted among a people who can worship and glorify the Lord together in their heart language. He is excited and eager to build deep relationships with the people of Thailand with the goal of being able to share the reason for the hope he has.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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